(chapter 48) Closer And Closer

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Tommy continued his days in the mansion doing everything like he was supposed to. Attended class and training, cleaned, ate food and slept. So why did something feel so off now. He stopped eating his food whenever he noticed it being slightly off color from everyone else's food and made sure to wake up whenever he heard the door to the dorm open. So why did he feel like there was something missing. Everything was fine. Everything was normal. So why did it feel like he was missing someone from his life at that moment.

Tommy sighed as he laid down on his bed. He had gone to sleep slightly earlier than the rest of his roommates since his head was always screaming at him about something he was forgetting. Something he had to remember. He just wanted some peace and quiet. Some alone time.

Tommy closed his eyes and in a matter of only a few minutes he fell asleep.

Tommy opened his eyes to see the white void he seemed to be familiar with but wasn't sure why. He walked around looking at the white void trying to find something, anything.

He gave up after a few minutes instead deciding to sit on the ground and wait to wake up.


As Tommy sat on the ground he heard someone yell his name. Tommy was confused and stood up looking at the direction of where the voice came from and saw locks of gold, bubblegum and dark chocolate. Tommy squinted his eyes at the three figures approaching him "Wait...ARE THOSE THE MEMBERS OF THE ROYAL FAMILY FROM THE SLEEPY KINGDOM?" Tommy yelled as he started running the opposite direction from the three approaching figures.

"COME BACK, PLEASE!" The three yelled as they tried catching up to Tommy. "AND WHY SHOULD I DO THAT? YOU'LL JUST KILL ME LIKE THE OTHER'S!" Tommy yelled the memories of all the dead bodies of his comrades. "What? No. We would never kill you Tommy!" Phil said, sounding hurt by Tommy's words. "TOMMY!" Dreams voice rung in  the empty white space. "Dream!" Tommy yelled out in relief.  

"Follow me Tom's!" Dream yelled as he started running the opposite way from the royals. Tommy followed Dream and the two of them ran away from the three cold blooded murderer's.

The two ended up at the mansion for some reason but they didn't complain, instead they went inside as they saw the persuading royal family. "F**k" Tommy mumbled as he saw the bubblegum pink haired prince sprinting towards him and Dream like he was a dragonfly trying to catch it's prey.

"Dream-" Tommy said in panic, but Dream didn't notice being too focused on dragging Tommy through the halls as the royal family chased the two. "DREAM!" Tommy yelled loudly to get the others attention. "Technoblade's almost caught up to us!" Tommy explained in a panic. "S**t" Dream said as he pulled Tommy to the right and then down some stairs.

The two continued down the stairs before making it to a door Tommy knew well. The door to the punishment rooms. Tommy shivered as he remembered... Wait he remembers. Tommy stops dead in his tracks.

"Tommy, why did you stop?" Dream asks as he nervously looks at the staircase hoping that the three royals didn't show up. "I... I'm remembering something. I- why-. Why does it feel like I shouldn't be running away?" Tommy says as he looks at the staircase now the three he had been tuning away from right there. A fourth person was standing behind them. A person with a warm smile and long brown hair. She was wearing a dress made of stars, so beautiful and familiar to Tommy. "Mom?" Tommy says quietly in disbelief as his eyes start tearing up.

The four other males are standing frozen at the word that escaped Tommy's mouth. Dream looked at where Tommy was looking, but couldn't see anything. The trio at the stairs turned around searching for the person Tommy had mentioned but to no avail.

"Where is this mansion sunshine?" The brunette asked softly with a kind and soft gaze. "It's invisible. It's at the broken bridge in the middle of the forest near the gigantic hole. " Tommy said as if in a transe." Tommy! Why did you reveal where the mansion's at? " Dream asked in a slightly raised voice. Tommy didn't answer still stating at the person he called mom.

"Wait. Does he mean that gigantic hole in the ground with the bridge?" Wilbur asked from the other family members. "Maybe... But wasn't that island destroyed in the accident?" Techno answered as he thought about it.  Phil stayed quiet in deep thought as he mumbled to himself about something.

As Tommy finally snapped out of his transe he looked around in confusion. "what the f**k am I doing in the basement? And where's the room Klaus is always in.?" Tommy questioned as he was extremely confused. Wait. Wasn't I in the dorms? No wait uh... " Tommy struggled to remember where he had been before this. "No. I definetly was in a palace balcony. No wait I was with mom. No no... The wait-" Tommy kept mumbling till he finally noticed the four others staring at him with confusion and slight...extreme concern. 

Tommy stood there for a few seconds before making a sound of realisation and panicking."What the f**k. What the f**k. What the actual f**k." Tommy repeated over and over again in his head. "Tommy? Are you okay?" Dream asked snapping Tommy out of his thoughts. "No. No the f**k it's not." Tommy replies as he remembers the fact that he is the f**king youngest prince of the God d**m Antarctic empire. A fricking empire. "If being a prince of an empire you're fighting against isn't something not being calm about is weird then I don't f**king know what is." Tommy said to Dream with a slightly raised voice. "wait- how can you remember that?" Dream asked dumbfounded. "Well I don't know. Wait... what do you mean with that? Did you know this whole time?" The atmosphere suddenly dropped from panic to confusion and slight anger.

Meanwhile, he three others in the room were just standing there letting this happen. "You know. This would make a great story." Wilbur said while munching on some popcorn. "Wil not the time- wait where did you get the popcorn?" Phil asked squinting his eyes in confusion. "I don't know. Just wanted some and it appeared. This is a dream after all." Wilbur shrugged as he continued eating the popcorn. Techno was just sitting on the ground as if watching a good play in a theater. "I- I give up." Phil sighed as he sat down next to the two twins and watched the sho- conversation happening in front of them.

To be continued

The end of this fanfic is close.. I think. I wonder if it'll have a happy, sad or bitter sweat ending. Who knows? Only time will tell. Also the power in my apartment is out so ive been writing this while my ears slightly ring cuz of the silence.

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