(chapter 40) a talk with the family

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Dinner went well with the other kingdoms leaders. They all chatted about light hearted stuff since they werent in the mood to talk about heavy things after that meeting.

After dinner was done the kingdoms leaders and their guests were shown to their respected guest rooms of the highest quality and the Antarctic empires princes and king had headed to their sleeping quarters.

"Will, Tech. We need to talk." Phil said right before any of them could enter their respective rooms.

Wilbur and Techno turned around to go to Phil's room, knowing full well what this conversation will be about.

As they all settled down on the couch Phil had in his room Phil started.

"So. Who wants to start?" Phil asked no one replying to it.

Phil sighed. "I'll start then." He said clearing his throat.

"We all know how we can sometimes communicate with Tommy in our dreams right?" Phil asked the two nodding in response.

"We know that we can enter the same dream as Tommy and talk to him." Phil said the two nodding

"Well. What if we try and find out the location of the 'mansion' where the masked ones reside." Phil proposed.

"...how didn't we think of this earlier?" Wilbur asks face palming at their past selves. Techno shrugged in response.

"I take both of your replies as a yes." Phil says looking at the two who nod.

"Yeah and we can even try and bond with him whole we're at it." Phil says making the two smile. "Then what are we waiting for? Let's go to sleep." Techno said seeming happy about the idea of sleep.

Phil chuckled and nodded.

"Let's try and get to the dream world with Tommy." Phil said as the two left for their own rooms.

Phil went to his bed and laid down slowly drifting to sleep.


"A white void?" Tommy questioned as he looked around. "This is stupid. Why the f**k am I always in a white void?" Tommy asks the none existing person next to him.

"It's because the dream worlds void is where you can make anything happen dear." A calm and soothing voice said which made Tommy tear up at just hearing it.

"Mom?" Tommy whispered only to turn around to nothing. "Oh..." Tommy said dissapointed.

Tommy started walking around the void. Looking at the endless white around him.

"Now that I think of it...what did mom look like?" Tommy mumbled as he stumbled across the mansion.

"Uh...why is this plague following me here?" Tommy questioned annoyed walking the other direction of it only for the building to appear right infront of him again.

"I- this f**king building-" Tommy cursed walking inside of it.

"It's empty...it's kinda nice." Tommy thought as he walked around.

Around ten minutes later he stumbled across the bosses room.

"...I've never been in there before..." Tommy thought as he eyed the large double door made out of oak wood.

After abit of staring at the door, curiosity got the better of Tommy and he entered the room.

"What the-" Tommy said eyeing the room with one bed and a bunch of shelves with a weird blood red liquid on each and every one.

Tommy walked over to them and grabbed one opening the cork cap and smelling the liquid. The room blurred a little for a second.

"Whoa." Tommy thought as he put the cork back and stuffed five viles of the blood red liquid into his cloak.

"I wonder what this s**t does." Tommy thought as he was teleported to a room he knew. It was his room. The one in the castle.

"What? How did I?" Tommy questioned outloud.

"To- my?" A voice said like one of the m's in his name glitches.

"Huh?" Tommy turned around to see something blurred, mostly which was bubblegum pink, white and black.

"To- my, it- real- y yo-." The monotoned voice said Tommy hardly being able to know what he meant.

"Uh- who are you?" Tommy questioned. His mind was abit fuzzy after taking a sniff of that liquid.

"Uhh- To- my. Do-t y-u rem-ber me?" The blurred figure asked.

"No? I can barely even see you. You're just really blurry you know." Tommy deadpanned eyeing what he can see of the blurred figure up and down.

The figure made a groan? It was really glitchy sounding so Tommy wasnt sure.

"Tom- y. It's me. Tech- o. Technobla- e. The blade. Techie. Like the one who made your second name Theseus against dad's will." The figure  'Techie', explained as his sentences got less and less blurry every word he said.

"Techie..." Tommy mumbled squinting his eyes at the ground and looking back up seeing an unblurred body infront of him.

"Whoa." Tommy said narrowing his eyes slightly at the males, face. "Nope. Still blurry. Though your body isnt blurry anymore." Tommy shrugged.

"Heeh?" Techno answered, expression nonexistent to Tommy.

"Yeah. But you sound fine now." Tommy pointed out with his finger.

"Gues it's better thrn nothing." Techno mumbled. "What?" Tommy asked not hearing Techno. "Nothing." Techno replied.

"Though..where the h**l is Phil and Wilbur?" Techno said annoyed. He didn't have the social energy to talk to his brother. Just a few minutes ago he fell onto his bed to recharge his socialising battery and now he's alone with his younger brother he's barely talked to in a while.

Tommy stared at something.

"What's ya looking at?" Techno asked awkwardly.

Tommy didn't reply. Instead he started running towards whatever he was staring at.

"Tommy!" Techno yelled as he started running after the kid. It didnt take long to catch up to Tommy, after all Techno is fast and Tommy wasnt as fast as Techno.

"Tommy, why did you just start running?" Techno asked getting shushed by Tommy.

"I-...I give up with this child." Techno thought as he looked at Tommy to see him still stare at something.

Out of curiosity Techno looked to what Tommy was staring at.

As Techno saw it his eyes widened. "Who the f**k is that?" Techno thought confused as he stared at the dirty blonde sitting on the ground.

"Dream!" Tommy said enthusiastically.

"Dream-" Techno choked out in shock.

"Oh Tommy. Where are we?" Dream asked looking around and spotting the pink haired male staring at him with anger Dream staring back for a moment before turning his head to Tommy.

To be continued.

....I...I'm running out of ideas. Like from the chapter 'blurred' I had Schlatt in it as a plot point. And I dont know why. I know I created this to throw ideas at it but I just feel bad- also in sorry that the chapter is extremely late. Ive been busy with group projects and tests in school that i forgot to update. Ive also been working on another fanfic whichi might or might not publish

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