(chapter 27) Her grave

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"My moms?" Tommy said in an almost silent voice. Phil nodded. "Would you like to?" Phil asked Tommy with a small smile. Tommy nodded slightly not knowing what to say. Phil smiled and made a gesture for Tommy to follow him as he exited the room.

The twins followed abit behind Tommy and Phil, Tommy asking questions from Phil and him answering.

"What is her name?" Tommy asked. "Pardon?" Phil said not hearing what Tommy just said. "W-what was my mums name?" Tommy asked a bit louder eyes staring down at the floor as he walked. "Oh.... her name is Kristin." Phil said smiling a little sadly remembering the times that he spent with her. "Why is she...well." Tommy tried to ask wich Phil picked up on. "Ah well she didn't exactly well die. She just had to go do her job. Her grave is more of an altar to remember her while she can't be with us." Phil explained as he opened the door that leads to the grave.

"We're here." Phil said as the cool air hit Tommy's face wich made him close his eyes for a small amount of time. As Tommy opened his eyes again they widened. "Whoa..." Tommy said amazed. The grave stone was placed under a big tree. Wich didn't look like it belonged in the Antarctic empire since it should of been too cold in the empire for the tree to survive. But there it was. No snow in sight and no cold air around. It was like a day in spring. There even were colourful flowers surrounding the area wich should of never survived in the temperature of the empire.

"I've seen this before." Tommy thought trying to remember where. But for now he needed to ask a question burning through his mind. "How is there so many plants here wich shouldn't be able to survive here?" Tommy asked from Phil looking around at the scenery. "Enchantments. You might think they are only for armour or weapons but they are extremely useful for building too. That's how the gardens also have plantation in them ither than source trees." Phil explained as he, Tommy and the twins entered the graveyard and closed the doors behind them.

"Oh.." Tommy said sit bewildered by how it's possible even with the explanation.

Tommy walked over to his mothers grave. It was a 165 cm tall statue of her in the middle of an upright arch shaped like a slab with a slightly pointed top on it. The statue it self was already extremely well made. From the hair shape to the warm smile on it. Tommy wasn't sure why he knew it to be accurate looking. But besides that Tommy admired the beautiful grafting made for his mothers grave as he noticed something at the corner of his eye.

"Hm? Whose grave is that?" Tommy asked as he noticed another grave next his mothers. It was simpler. Just and upright slaps shape with text on it. "Well- about that- it's your grave. We thought you had died back eight years ago so this grave was made for you." Phil explained awkwardly scratching his neck a bit. "What-" Tommy replied a little shocked looking back at the simple grave.

"It's really simple." Tommy said as he stared at the gravestone. "Ah well we didnt have any art of you when you were five and the body we found had an unregognicable face so we weren't really sure how to make a statue for you." Phil explained feeling a bit bad for the simple grave. "No it's okay. It looks nice and all. It just looked so different to the one that belonged to my mum." Tommy said to Phil trying to not have him feel too guilty over it. Phil smiled a little at the attempt to make him feel less guilty by the youngest of them all.

"What was my mom like?" Tommy asked out of the blue. "Hm? Ah well she was a kind soul. She was very talented and a good mother. She always loved the family. But she had to leave abit before your funeral. She had started to get many tasks and had to leave." Phil told to Tommy fondly staring at the statue of his wife.

"Where did she go? What type of hybrid was she?" Tommy continued his questioning. "Well she went to her realm. And to answer the second question. She isn't a hybrid. She's a goddess." Phil said smiling as he remembered the times she brought him to her realm to see it.

"What?-" was the only thing that came out of Tommy's words. "Yeah she's a goddess." Wilbur confirmed. Wich Techno nodded to. "A goddess of what." Tommy asked curiously still in surprise. "Death." Techno said bluntly. "D-death?" Tommy said sweating a little. "Yup." Techno assured.

Of course Phil would of not wanted for Tommy to know that much yet since it would overwhelm him but he was sort of tuning out everything as he stared at the statue missing his wife. "Huh- what- eh?" Tommy tried to say something but utterly failed.

Phil had snapped out of it as he heard the failed words of his child right next to him. "Huh- what happened?" Phil asked worried. "We sort of told him about mom being the goddess of death." Wilbur explained as Tommy had crashed.

"I- why would you tell him that?" Phil asked panicked as he saw his youngest son have a small life crisis in his head. "It kind of slipped out." Wilbur said looming away from Phil's slightly pissed looking eyes. Phil sighed. "Let's get back inside and get Tommy to lay down for a bit. He has to process what he was just told." Phil said as he picked Tommy up and started carring him to Tommy's room. "Okay." Wilbur replied as he and Techno followed begind.

As the family made it to Tommy's room, Phil placed Tommy onto his bed. "You're bouth grounded if he ends up questioneding his life." Phil said which made the twins flinch a bit.

To be continued

...3.57 am...hm...I should sleep- anyways next chapter will be uh I dont know honestly my brain isn't working well at this hour. But I hope y'all enjoyed! Until next chapter

The Sleepy One (Sbi royal au)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz