(chapter 15) Dreams

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"Where am i?" Tommy asked himself as he was in the middle of a neat room. Just a few moments ago he was in the manshion having fun with Ranboo and Tubbo, but now he was in a bedroom. The bedsheets were done. The floors were clean. There was a sword next to the bed. The colors were the iconic blues and white of the Antartic empire. "Was this one of the royal familys rooms? What was Tommy doing there. Tommy looked around. No one except him was there. He decided to go outside of the room. He saw a few other doors there. It was a hallways with 5 doors. A door at the end of the hall and two on the right and left sides of the hallway. Tommy looked to the other end of the hallway wich was just a white void. "Is there no escaoe from here?" Tommy thought as he exited the room he was in. It was on the right of the door on the end of the hall. Tommy decided ti go to the room right opposite of the room he was just in.

As Tommy entered the other room he realised that it was the same one as the one he saw before. The room the Wilbur guy was in that one time in his dream. It was a dark blue color woth black highlights. Music notes scattered all over the floors a guitar next to the bed and a piano near a balcony. Tommy exited the room quickly as he wanted to check out the other rooms. Since it seemed like he was the only one there. Tommy decided to go to the room at the end of the hall.

The room was big. It had a king sized bed with a dark blue blanket, two white pillows and white bed sheets. On the left side of the room it had a desk wich was made of spruce wood. The left side of the room also had a balcony with light blue curtains and a family portrait. On the right side of the room there was a mirror and a spruce door. Tommy walked into the room behind the door. It was a walk in closet. It was moustly filled with white and green striped bucket hats,  green shirts and pants and black jackets with four white diamond shapes on it.(like the card not like the typical diamond shape) There also was red capes with white furr outlining it. Blue and white striped bucjet hats, black knee high leather boots, a white dress shirt looking shirt and black jeans.

After Tommy finished analyzing the room he walked out of the walking closet and the bedrolm and chose to go in the room next to the one he started in.

As Tommy walked in he realised that the room was just storage and went to the room opposite of it.

The room was big but dusty like it hadnt been used in forever. It had a twin sized bed wich was covered with a white sheet. For a matter a fact every furniture in the room was covered with white sheets wich Tommy found odd. It seemed like the person who it belonged to wasnt there anymore. Tommy saw that the room had a balcony and walked over to it. As he opened the balcony door and walked on to the balcony, his eyes widened in amaze. It was beatiful. It was high up. Really high up. The cold breeze he felt was nostalgic and the room seemed so too. Tommy just looked around. Seeing the white snow on top of trees.

"Tommy?" A monotoned voice said behind Tommy. Tommy regogniced the voice as the prince Technoblades. Tommy started panicking in his head. "Sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t, sh*t. What do i do?" Tommy thought to himself. "Tommy is that really you? Can you hear me? Come out of the balcony your shaking. Tommy?" The monotoned voice of the prince asked Tommy as Tommy was in a panic.

"Techno? What are ypu doing in Tommys room...wait Tommy?" A new voice said wich Tommy regogniced as the voice of Phil also from his dream before. "Ah this isnt good. But it cant get worce." Tommy thought to himself. "Dad? Tech? Why are you two in-" another voiced joined wich Tommy knew as Wilbur from also his dream from that one time. "Nevermind. It got worce." Tommy thought to himself.

Tommy turned around slowly and saw the thtee men standing there with faces of joy and consern. "Hiiii....how are you lot doing?" Tommy said akwardly trying not to sound scared. "Tommy its really you. Wait where are you? Like in real life?" Wilbur asked.
"What village are you in or are you in the capital?" Phil chimed in. "I- uh- um." Tommy panicked. "Calm down. You're making him panic." Techno said to his father and twin. "Ah sorry mate." Phil apologised to Tommy. "Sorry." Wilbur followed. "I cant tell you where i am. You would kill me. And then i wouldnt be able to see Ranboo, Tubbo or Dream again." Tommy said in a panic only to remember that he just said that to the royal family. "I'm screwed." Tomny thoughtto himself. "Wait by Ranboo...you dont mean an enderman hybrid kid with a half white and half black body and red and green eyes right?" Phil asked Tommy. "How- how did you know?" Tommy panicked. The royal family glanced at eachother. "He is alive." Techno said. "Well now we have good news to Eret." Wilbur said. "Eret? As in Eret from Pride kingdom?" Tommy asked as his head started spinning. "Yes, Tommy. That Eret. Wait you know who he is? Wait thats dumb of course he would they are one of the neoghboring kingdoms leaders." Phil said.

As Tommy was trying to take that all in his head started to spin wich made him loose balance and fall backwords off of the balcony. "TOMMY!" The three members of the royal family yelled out to him as he started to fall. Thankfully Techno msde it in time to grab Tommys hand and pull him up. "Are you okay mate?" Phil asked Tommy with consern. "Yeah..." Tommy said as he dissapeared. "Where did he go?" Wilbur said paniced.

"Ughhhh. Why do i keep having these stupid dreams." Tommy said to himself as he just woke up. "Its 8.30 a.m." Tommy said to himself. "I should get ready for my shift." He said as he got up and streched. "...and to get something to eat." He continued as he heard his stomach growl.


Welp. They can communicate in dreams I think.... Fun aint it? Anyways hope yall had or have a good day!

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