(chapter 33) dinner gone wrong

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The dining room was a mess. Why? Well...

"RANBOO STOP THAT- TUBBO NO- TOMMY JOIN THEM- WILBUR-" Phil's voice is heard through out the dining room as a food fight is going on. Mashed potatoes, salad, bread, soup and steak is being thrown around the room. Phil just wanted a peaceful dinner to get to know the two masked one but nope he got chaos. "Atleast Techno-" Philza tried to say as he saw Tommy get hit with mashed potatoes in his face by Techno. Phil takes a deep breath. "This is fine." Phil says as a slice of tomato hits his face.

Phil took a deep breath. "Could everyone please stop?" He asked to no avail as a piece of stake hits Wilbur on his arm. "....EVERYONE SHUT IT OR ELSE." Phil demanded. The room went silent. "Good now apologise." Phil gave a slightly sinister smile. "Sorry dad." Techno and Wilbur apologised. "Sorry Phil." Tommy apologised. "Sorry." Ranboo and Tubbo apologised half heartedly. "Thank you." Phil said.

After they apologised to Phil the maids and butlers came to clean the mess they made. Phil thanked them and then gave a light sigh while smiling.

"So Tubbo, Ranboo, how would you two feel abou-" Phil was cut off as the two and Tommy ran off. The room went silent as the family was in shock. No one had ever just cut Phil off by running off like that.

"I wonder where they went in such a hurry." Phil thought outloud."Probably went to Tommy's room." Techno replied. "How did yo- never mind. Why?" Phil asked his son. Techno shrugged. "Probably just to show it off." Techno replied yawning.

The room was silent for a few seconds until the three realised something. "We just let Tommy and the other two members of the masked ones who most likely hate us and want to bring Tommy back to their headquarters together. With out any of us there nor any guards-." Wilbur said what they were all thinking. "S**T." Phil yelled as he started sprinting to the sleeping quarters Wilbur and Techno following slightly behind him.

"Tubbo, Ranboo, welcome to my room." Tommy said in a smug voice as he opened his rooms door. "Big man....what the h**l?" Tubbo asked voice sounding more surprised and excited though. "Cool innit." Tommy said as the trio walked in.

Ranboo closes the door and the mood took a whole 180.

"Tommy where is your cloak?" Tubbo asked with a serious tone of voice. "In Wils room. They took it from me saying something like it was too dangerous for me to have or something. And why are you asking that from me so seriously Tubbo?" Tommy explained. "Did they search it?" Tubbo asked panicked. "I dont know." Tommy answered. "Shit. Did they see the map or the letter?" Tubbo asked the blonde. "No I took those before they could see 'em. Why are you acting so panicked?" Tommy said and questioned the smaller boy.

A sigh of relief could be heard from the brown haired ram hybrid. "What else did you get from the cloak and where is it?" Tubbo asked seeming calmer. "Uh well the map, letter, compass, painting that Ranboo gave, a singular ender pearl, the money and the cloak is in Wilburs room wich is the blue room on top of his wardrobe. Oh and my stuff is on my bed if you wanted to know." Tommy replied. Ranboo and Tubbo nodded at  eachother. "Tommy we are leaving today right now." Tubbo said. "Huh- why-" Tommy tried asking but ultimately failed as he was pushed by Ranboo to his bed with Tubbo going to Wilburs room.

"Get your stuff Tommy. We are leaving for home now. Dream and the others are worried." Ranboo said as Tommy gathered his stuff. "Okay.." Tommy said trying to not have the disappointment in his voice noticeable. He did want to go home but he also wanted to stay in the castle. But he couldn't. He didn't belong there. He never did and never will. Atleast to his knowing.

"TOMMY, RANBOO WE GOTTA RUN. NOW. THEY'RE COMING!" Tubbos panicked voice could be hear as he threw Tommy his cloak and Tommy put his things in it.

Ranboo looked around the room as he noticed the balcony. "TO THE BALCONY!" He yelled to the other two as they sprinted there.

As Phil, Wilbur and Techno made it to Tommy's doorway they noticed the other three at the balcony. "F**k." Wilbur said as he sprinted there.

"How will we get out of here?" Tubbo asked himself panicked looking around for an escape while Ranboo kept the balcony door closed while Wilbur banged on it trying to open it. "FIGURE IT OUT FAST. I CANT KEEP THE DOOR CLOSED FOREVER." Ranboo yelled as the other two in the royal family joined in trying to open the door seeming not to want to break it for some reason.

Tommy was thinking on a way to escape as the five people near him were in a panic. "S**t. S**t. S**t. What the f**k should I do?" Tommy thought as he looked around. The drop from the balcony was long. And the other options would get them caught since he, Ranboo and Tubbo wouldn't be able to climb fast enough. Then Tommy remembered something. Something he attained earlier in the day. His wings. Now fully grown.

"Damn it I dont know if I'll be able to fly though." Tommy said aloud though quietly but enough for Tubbo to hear. "What?" Tubbo asked. "Remember my pathetic wings and how small they were. Well they grew in and I could probably fly but I'm not sure." Tommy answered. "Well better then nothing Tommy. We should try it." Tubbo said to him. "But what if I cant and we die?" Tommy asked his best friend. "WELL ITS BETTER THEN SPENDING TIME IN PRISON." Tubbo dead panned as Ranboo fell on the floor and the door slammed open. Ranboo got up before any of them could restrain him and went over to the other two.

"Calm down you three. Come back here and we wont ground you Tommy or imprison you two." Phil said calmly. Tommy looked at the two masked wearing friends beside him and nodded as he got the message from Tubbos stance. "Sorry Phil..Techno,,Wilbur.. it was fun. But I have to go home. Tommy said as his friends grabbed onto him for dear life as Tommy jumped off the balcony with the two and extended his wings as he tried to fly.

"TOMMY." The three worried males on the balcony yelled as they saw Tommy seemingly free fall.

"TOMMY FLAP YOUR F**KING WINGS!" Tubbo yelled as they were falling down. "I'M TRYING!" Tommy tells as they see Phil flying towards them. "S**T, S**T, S**T, F**K." Tommy cussed. AS Tommy panicked Phil almoust grabbed them until an unfamiliar sound snapped Tommy out of his panic. Purple particles around him and his two friends. "What the-" Tubbo said.

To be continued

Welp. Tommy needs to learn to fly. Since you know...hee almost died- Anyways hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. Until next time.

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