(chapter 35) 12320

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Its been around a day since the trio started their journey back to their home. On their way they encountered some villages and bought food. Well Tommy did. He was the only one possessing money and the masks on Ranboo and Tubbo would of alerted the villages to attack them. Tubbo at one point in their journey pointed out the odd yellow sweater Tommy had brought along and Tommy just looked at it, shrugged and replied with an "I guess i accidentally grabbed it while we ran.".

Tommy threw a pear at Ranboo and Tubbo after he left the village. "Enjoy your lunch." He said taking a bite of his pear. Sure he used to have a s**t ton of bread but it went bad, which was a waste. But the water he got from before didnt so that was useful.

"Thanks big man." Tubbo said. "Thanks Tommy." Ranboo thanked.

After they finished their lunch they continued their journey.

Some hours later Tommy, Ranboo and Tubbo encountered a cliff. This is odd. There should be a bridge here that leads to the mansions forest." Ranboo said as he looked around. That indeed was the forest which the mansion resided in.

A walk from here to the Antarctic empire would take around a day and a half but with a cartridge it takes a few hours since you wouldn't need any breaks really. And you would be constantly moving plus the added speed of horses.

"I have the perfect solution for this." Tommy said as he pulled out three enderpearls from his cloak. He gave one to each of his friends and kept one of them as he threw it across and hit the ground on the other side. Shortly after Ranboo and Tubbo did the same and they were now in the forest wich no kingdom owned.

Well it did technically belong to the Antarctic empire but they never used it and no one lived there so it was deemed by the masked ones to not be owned by any kingdom.

"We're back...it's kinda weird now that I'm back here. It's like I don't want to be back." Tommy thinks in his head. "We're back home Tommy." Tubbos excited voice said. "You might get punished though." Ranboo said tone sounding sad.

"It's okay. Used to it by now. Even if it's been a while I still remember each time I did get punished." Tommy said walking straight ahead where he knew the mansion resided. After all it was in the heart of the forest.

After walking for around 30 minutes they made it. The mansion. It was the same as always, but Tommy didn't want to go in. He wanted to run. He wanted to go back to the castle. He didn't like it here.

"Welcome home Tommy." Tubbo says as he pushed Tommy forward. "Yeah." Tommy faked a smile.

As the trio walked in there were surprised and pitied expressions thrown left and right at them. Thet knew what was moust likely going to happen to Tommy. Tommy didnt want to see their expressions so when he walked he looked at the ground.

Quick footsteps coming towards Tommy, Tubbo and Ranboo made Tommy raise his head and as he did that he was hugged by a familiar person.

"Dream?" Tommy said melting into the hug. "I'm sorry. I couldn't do anything." Dream says as he let's go of the hug and clears his throat. "Tommy. You have been summoned by one of the adults." Dream said seriously as he took Tommy's arm and started pulling him towards the dreaded basement.

"I'm sorry Tommy. I'm really sorry." Dream says as he stoos infront of the big metal door. Dried and fresh blood on the ground. "It's okay Dream. You don't need to worry about me. I'm a big man." Tommy reassures Dream as Dream opened the door for Tommy and pushed him in.

As Tommy fell on the ground on the other side of the door he heard it shut close as a sinister laugh could be heard.

"Well~ look who we have here." The voice Tommy never wanted to hear again said. "Come on~ why the gloomy expression?. I thought we were friends." The voice mocked Tommy.

"We aren't 12320.  I'm just a member of the masked ones and you are my higher up." Tommy said to the Male infront of him. "That's so mean Tommy." The Male 12320 said. "I'm...sorry." Tommy lied between his teeth. "I'm sorry for directimg my anger at you. I am just tired from the trip back here." Tommy lied as he avoided his glance at the Male.

"Hmph fine Tommy. I forgive you. And I told you to call me Klaus." Klaus said to Tommy.

Tommy didnt reply. "Fine fine. Your punishment is a weeks worth of isolation Tommy." Klaus said smiling deviously wich Tommy didnt notice since he was avoiding his sight of Klaus.

"What?" Tommy said surprised, punishments were usually worse than that. "Yeah. Unless you have information on the Antartic empire." Klaus said smiling planning something. "How did you-" Tommy tried asking but was cut off. "We have eyes and ears everywhere Tommy. Why else do you think I look like this?" Klaus said as he turned Tommy's head up.

"Well Tommy? Do you have any information?" Klaus smiled with his scarred face. One over his eye and another on his nose. One was even slit across his mouth making a permanent smile on his face. His lava colored eye and his disc looking eye wich looked like half mellohi and half cat staring at Tommy's sky blue ones. His ears being pointed like an elfs with cuts on them. His body covered with scars from explosions and cuts. He had short messy lime hair with long strands on the front and red mushrooms growing on his body.  Wearing a white hoodie stained with red marks on it and ripped jeans.

"Yes Klaus. I...I do." Tommy replied making a face of regret at the ground. "How wonderful Tommy! Your punishment has been lifted." Klaus said as he walked with joy around the room. "You're free to go. I'll call you over later after you've had dinner." Klaus said and Tommy bowed after wich he bolted out of the room and in to his dorm.

Tommy slammed the door close as he made it inside and saw Tubbo and Ranboo. "H-hello." Tommy said smiling awkwardly. "What happened?" Tubbo asked. "Haha...long story short I didn't get a punishment." Tommy said as he went to his bed and layed there. "Wake me up when it's dinner." Tommy said as he closed his eyes and tried to sleep. "It's uncomfortable?" Tommy thought as he fell asleep. "Sure big man." Tubbo said but Tommy was already sleeping.

To be continued

Yes 'Klaus' is an exile reference. 12320(December 3rd 2020.) being the date Tommy was exiled. Named him Klaus cuz it happened in December and Tommy missed Christmas in exile. Also I needed bad guys in the story and couldn't decide so I just made up characters that are gonna be related to the dream smp cuz why not? Also his pronouns are he/him.  But anyways i hope you guys enjoyed! until next chapter. Oh and sorry that the chapter is abit late. I had hel- school

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