(chapter 25) lunch

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Tommy woke up at around 13.30 p.m. The thing is he woke up to see a reading Philza and a focused Wilbur weiting something on paper. "Music sheets?" Tommy thought as he sat up on the sofa.

"Oh good afternoon Tommy." Phil said with a gentle smile as he saw Tommy sit up.

"Afternoon." Tommy replied. "It seems that you woke up just in time for lunch." Phil said as he closed his book and stood up.

"Oh hello Toms. I see you woke up." Wilbur said as he finally noticed Tommy wake up. "Yeah...aldo wheres Technoblade?" Tommy asks looking around the room.

"Oh Techno? He's training right now, but he will be at lunch if that's what you're worried about mate." Phil responded with a soft expression. "Oh okay. I was just curious." Tommy replies trying not to sound neither too cold nor too kind. "What do we have for lunch?" Tommy asks as he stands up from the sofa. "Triangle sandwiches filled with mayo, cucumbers  lettuce, tomatoes, cheese and ham with a scrambeled egg on the side. For the drink we have water." Phil replied to Tommy as Wilbur got up and left his music sheets in a messy pile.

As the three of them exited the family room and started walking to the dining room, Tommy felt like talking to them was comfortable. So thats what he did. They chatted about randon things like how Tommy liked the coral designes while Wilbur said they were ugly wich ended with a light hearthed argument between the two wuch made Phil chuckle.

As the three of them entered the dining room, they were greeted by Technoblade who was already eating his lunch. "You're late to lunch." Techno says after swallowing a piece of his sandwich. "And you are suprisingly early." Wilbur replies as he, Phil and Tommy sit down at the table.

The family who reunited with Tommy a few days ago was getting suffocated by the akward silence around the table.

They didnt know what to talk about wich seemed kind of odd since they were just chatting with him before entering the dining room. But if you were there you would understand the akward silence, since Tommy was making the moust unhappy expression they have seen. He looked lonely. "What should we do?" Phil asked Wilbur and Techno by giving them a look wich was replied with an expression of "I dont know." From Wilbur and an akward half smile and shrug from Techno. "Ah fine i'll ask him something." Phil expressed with his body language and expression.

"So Tommy...what was the best part of the masked ones?" Phil asked akwardly smiling. But the question seemed to make Tommys expression lighten. "It was probably hanging out with Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream. Oh and the others too but i dont want to nsme them." Tommy saif with a slight smile. "But now i dont even know what they are doing." Tommy said wich made his expression darken again.

"WHAT WERE THEY LIKE?" Wilbur yelled in a panic trying to help lighten the mood. This surprised Tommy in a nice way. "Well I'm not really allowed to tell details acrually I'm not even allowed to saytheir names-" Tommy realised as he face palmed at his stupidity. "But Tubbo was a dumbass chaotic kinda guy you know. But he was really nice and fun too. He also has a huge amount of facination for bees." Tommy said chuckling abit at remembering a time when Tubbo got i  trouble for making a small army of bees. "Ranboo. Ranboo is the kinda akward type of guy. He isnt great at socialising but he tries his best. And after you become friends it's easy going to talk with him. He doesnt really enjoy being in the organisation since he doesnt care about sides but people but he doesnt complain as long as his friends are fine." Tommy explains remembering the time Ranboo literally hit one of the generals for making fun of Tubbo. He got in serious trouble after it. "And Dream. Is Dream. Sure i find the guy annoying but i look up to him. He is like a brotherly figure to me." Tommy said trying not to say too much since he didnt want to get in trouble with the adults for spreading information on a general.

As Tommy described Dream as a brotherly figure Wilbur and Techno choked abit on their food. "B-brotherly figure?" Wilbur asked with a 'I'm gonna kill that man' expression on his face. "Yeah he was the one who basically cared for me and made sure i stayed out of trouble. Oh and he was the one who trained me." Tommy said with a bright smile remembering his times in the manshion. "Oh I'm so going to kill that Dream guy." Wilbur wishpered. "What was that?" Tommy asked. "Nothing, nothing." Wilbur said with a close eyed smile.

After that conversation the mood lightened and the silence lifted. The family started talking about random stuff while eating their lunch. Just catching up.

As the family finished eating their lunch Phil asked Tommy to follow him. It made Tommy a little anxious at first but after Phil said that it wasnt anything serious Tommy relaxed abit.

As Phil and Tommy walked through the halls, Tommy and Phil talked about the other royal families of the neighboring kingdoms. "So you're saying that they arent bad people?" Tommy asked feeling a small amount of guilt. "Yeah mate. Sure they might not be perfect people but that's just how people work. Everyone makes mistakes you know." Phil replied with a light smile as they arruved infront of Tommys rooms door.

"Why are we here?" Tommy asked confused. "Nothing much. Just go inside." Phil replied as Tomny opened the doors room and walked in. "Whoa." Tommy said as he looked around. It was so tidy. The colors around the room were red and white. The previously broken bookshelf was replaced with a sturdier. The color of it was silver. And books from earlier were also organized on the bookself.

"Is- is that a jukebox?" Tommy asked as he saw it in the corner of his eye. "Yeah. There are also many discs in the chest next to it." Phil replied smiling as he saw Tommys excited expression. "That's so f**king cool." Tommy said as he went over to it and opened the chest choosing the disc 'Pigstep' and put it in the jukebox.

"Tommy there's still one thing you haven't seen." Phil said as Tommy turned his head towards Phil and stood up. What is it?" Tommy asked curious. "Look inside your wardrobe." Phil said as Tommy walked over to it. "Come on you can open it." Phil said slight excitement showing up on his face. "Alright alright." Tommy said as he opened the wardrobe.

To be continued

I wonder whats inside the closet. No its not a person or a pride flag im sorry. Its something else. Anyways i hope yall enjoyed the chapter. Until next chapter. Also...im not great with titling the chapters okay-

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