(chapter 32) calm

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Dinner went well. It was silent but in a nice way. But after dinner ended Tommy excused himself from the table and went over to Wilburs room. "It's now or never." Tommy thinks as he stares at the cloak on top of wilbur wardrobe.

Tommy reaches his hand at the cloak. "But...maybe I can stay a bit longer...a few more weeks." Tommy reasons for himself as he lays on Wilburs bed. It was comfortable. Tommy drifted off to sleep as he thought of being with the others in the castle still. Even if it's only for a little while longer.

As Wilbur finished his meal and classes, he walked over to his room. He opened the door and walked over to the bed ready to fall on it and sleep. Only to se a sleeping Tommy on it. Occupying the whole bed.

If you listened hard enough you could hear the hearth squeeze Wilbur got from seeing the kid just sleeping seeming so relaxed.

But that didn't change the fact that Tommy was taking up the whole bed much to Wilburs tired eyelids. But he didnt want to wake the peacefully sleeping thirteen-year-old so he sighed and sat at the side of the bed and leaned his head on his arm that was sturdied up with his leg.

Tommy woke up at 6 p.m. Tommy yawned and looked around the room. "Wait this isn't my room?" Tommy whispered to himself confused. "Yeah it's mine." Wilbur groaned as he woke up. "Oh...oh yeah-" Tommy remembered falling asleep in the room. "I slept on the f**king floor 'cause of you." Wilbur complained half heartedly. "Sorry...kinda...not really your bed was comfortable." Tommy said. "F**k you." Wilbur said.

There was a few seconds of silence until Techno entered the room. "Hullo." Techno greeted. "Hello Tech." Wilbur greets back.

"Dad asked me to get you two." Techno told to the two. "Why?" Wilbur questioned. "Dont know. We meet at the dungeon or something. So probably a member in the masked ones or something was captured." Techno shrugged wich caught Tommy's attention.

"Ah s**t." Tommy thought. As he was now being dragged over to the dungeon by his brothers. "I DON'T WANNA GO SEE THEM." Tommy whined. Did you think he had a death wish? Why would he want to be seen by a member whi would probably rat him out and his punishment would worsen when he got back.

"Stop complaining gremlin child." Wilbur told Tommy as he was kicking him. "I'M NOT A GREMLIN." Tommy yelled as he was dragged by his brothers to the dungeon.

"Tommy stop pouting please." Wilbur begged. "No." Tommy replied. "Ughhhhh." Wilbur groaned. "Is something wrong?" Phil asked. "Tommy won't stop pouting cause he doesn't want to see the member or something. We weren't even sure if that would be the case." Wilbur explained to Phil.

"Well that's exactly the case this time. The only reason I wanted Tommy here was cause they wouldn't talk unless we showed Tommy was fine after they over heard some guards talking about him." Phil sighed.

"Tommy please. Could you talk to them?" Phil asked the teen. "No. I don't want to die." Tommy told the older blonde. "Please Tommy. I'll teach you to fly since I'm guessing you can't yet since your wings only grew completely earlier today." Phil bribed the boy. Tommy thought about it for a few seconds. "Fine." Tommy agreed. "Thank you." Phil thanked as he showed Tommy the cell where the member was.

Tommy's eyes widened as he saw the person. No people in the cell. "Tubs? Ranboo? How did you two get caught?" Tommy asked the two. "Wait you know them. Wait one of them is named Ranboo?" Phil questioned Tommy. "Not right now." Tommy told Phil. Wich Phil understood why.

"Tom's you're okay right? They didnt hurt you or anything." Tubbo asked in consern. "No they didn't. They did kidnap me and s**t but otherwise I'm great." Tommy replied to the short male with the bee mask and ram horns. "That's good." Ranboo said. "Yeah I gues." Tommy replied to the half pure white and half pure black masked one with the glowing eyes.

"How did you two even get caught?" Tommy asked. "We were bombing s**t and king Philza over there caught us off guard." Tubbo explained. "Correction Tubbo was the one who was blowing up stuff." Ranboo corrected.

Tommy laughed a bit. "Really? You got caught off guard?" The blonde asked. "Yup." Tubbo replied popping the p. "Tommy." Wilburs voice could be heard. "Hm? What Wilbur? I'm in the middle of talking with my friends right now d**khead." Tommy said to the tall brown haired male. "Could you introduce us to your...friends?" Wilbur asked."Oh sure." Tommy said.

"Tubbo, Ranboo, The three guys next to me are Phil, Techno and Wilbur." Tommy said pointing at the males as he listed them. "And Will, Techno and Phil, that's Ranboo and that's Tubbo." Tommy did the same thing. "There." Tommy said.

"Any details mate?" Phil asked. "Nope. No details." Tommy said as he went back to talking with the two in the cage.

"Should we invite them to dinner?" Phil asks from his two older sons wich to they agree to with a nod.

"So Tubbo, Ranboo, would you two like to join us for dinner?" Phil asked the two. "You guys should. The food is great and it's not mushrooms all day everyday here." Tommy told the two. "Okay. But we won't take our masks off. By the way where is yours?" Tubbi replied. "Broke it." Tommy shrugged.

Techno opened the cage as the two cloaked and masked figures were closely watched to make sure they dont escape.

"This is gonna be f**king cool!" Tommy told the two. "You guys can come see my room after dinner. It's a f**king pog room." Tommy bragged. "Okay big man." Tubbo said grin noticable in his voice. "Sure." Ranboo said as the three started to chat about the past two weeks with the three older males walking behind them.

To be continued

Well this can only go four ways depending on how I feel when I write the next couple of chapters which I wont say since it would be spoilers. But I hope y'all enjoyed the chapter! Until next time.

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