(chapter 11) far from the place he calls home

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"Ughhh" Tommy groaned. He had ran into the woods after the incounter with prince Technoblade. After running in the woods for a while he had passed out. He had no idea how long he had been sleeping but it surely had to of been atleast a few hours by the look of the sky that had become dark. Around eight p.m. "God the others probably think i'm dead by now." Tommy realised as he was in the woods alone in the cold. Tommy sighed. "Got to find a place to sleep tonight." He said as he started looking for an abandoned house or a cave.

As Tommy walked around he saw a cave with a torch lighting it. "...Is it a good idea...maybe the person who put the torch there forgot to take it with them. Or maybe they left." Tommy thought as he wasnt sure if it was a good idea to go into the cave or not. Tommy sneezed as he made up his mind. Tommy went into the cave since he would of rather talked or faught with the person in the cave than freezed to death in the Antartic empires year round cold weather. "Hello?" Tommy said as he walked in the cave. "AHHH! Stay away!" A scared voice yelled as they noticed Tommy. "Can i sleep the night here?" Tommy asked as he just wanted to rest somewhere where it was somewhat warm. "Oh you're not a mob. Excuse my yelling. I'm Sally Salmon. What's your name?" Sally apologised and intreduced herself. "It's okay...and I'm Tommy. I dont have a last name." Tommy replied akwardly. Sally seemed to be a fish hybrid. Or well a salmon hybrid based on her name and features that reminded Tommy of a salmon. "Nice to meet you Tommy. But what is a teenager doing outside at around midnight?" Sally asked Tommy wprried. "Oh well...i got lost from my friends. They probably think I'm dead by now." Tommy responded as his stomach growled. "Ah thats terrible. And here have some bread. I dont really have anything else besides that." Sally responded and gave Tommy a piece of bread. Tommy ate the bread since he was starving from not eating anything for around seven and a half hours. "Thank you." Tommy thanked the fish hybrid.

"No problem. Anyways what type of hybrid are you?" Sally asked out of curiosity. "Oh well I'm an avian hybrid. How about you? What type of hybrid are you?" Tommy asked. "Well I'm a salmon hybrid. It's not as rare as an avian hybrid but it's convinient for water travel." The long red haired salmon hybrid Sally responded. "Ah i figured as much since you do kind of look like a salmon." Tommy asnwered. "Hmm well i'll be going to sleep now. You should really rest too." Sally said as she went to get something from a bag she had in a corner of the cave. "Here." Sally said as she threw a blanket to Tommy. "Oh thanks." Tommy thanked as Sally took a blanket for herself. Sally layed down on the ground and put the blanket over herself. Tommy did the same. Tommy layed there for about 5 minutes before realising something. "Why would this random woman just let a random teenager sleep the night near her." Tommy thought. He just shrugged it off as her being a kind person and fell asleep.

In the morning Tommy was the first to wake up. He git up and folded the blanket that Sally gave him for the night. Tommy silently thanked Sally for letting him stay the night and left the cave. It seemed to be around 6 a.m. when Tommy woke up so he decided to go see what damage he made to the village was and try to figure out where he should go to get back to the manshion.

Tommy climbed a tree to see where the village was. As he made it to the top he saw the village he burnt down that day with his team members and had a feeling of sorrow for a second before climbing down the tree and going to the direction of the village. Tommy walkedfor a while and occationally saw berties wich he picked and ate on his way to the village. Tommy stayed behind a tree to not be seen by the royal guards around the now burnt village. He saw the kid he saved that day from the fire at the place where the childs house was burning down. The child seemed to be crying wich made Tommy feel sad for the kid. So young yet he lost so much. "HEY WHO ARE YOU?" one of the royal guards yelled as they noticed Tommy. "Ah just a traveler." Tommy responded. "What happened here?" Tommy asked the guard as he took his hood off to seem less suspicious. "Oh, welcome traveler. And this innicent village was burnt down by the masked ones." The royal guard explained to Tommy. "Thats horrible Tommy said like he hadnt known the fact. "I know. But what are you doing here young man? Moust people go to the Capital instead of this village surrounding the capitals walls." The royal guard asked. "Ah well I'm more of a wonderer so i just ended up here after walking through that forest." Tommy answered. He just wanted this conversarion to end already. "Alright. But you should leave this place it's not really safe. I recomend going to the capital instead. Well i have to go now." The guard said and waved at Tommy to go back to doing his job. "Oh thanl god-" Tommy thought as he wavedback at the guard.

Tommy looked for the tree he was in the day before and found it. Though Tommy was curious about the capital, he had to try go back to the meet up place. Maybe Tubbo or Ranboo insisted on waiting longer for him. Tommy began his walk to the meet up place. It was a relaxing walk through the woods.

After Tommy made it to where he was supposed to meet the others he saw a chest. Nothing else. Just a chest. Tommy went over to the chest and opened it. Inside it Tommy notived many bags and a note on top. The note read:

"Dear Tommy,

If you are reading this then I'm glad you are alive. In this chest there are supplies to survive long enough to make it back to the manshion. It has a map to find back home, a compass from Tubbo, a flower painting from Ranboo, food, water, enderpearls for emergencies from me and money to survive. I recomend going into the capital to buy more food or arrows. Tubbo and Ranboo insisted on leaving this chest for you since acvording to them you were still alive. If thats the case then good. Tommy we hope to see you again. Leaving this chest was a risk so i hope you are the one who found this chest. Though i know thay you would complain to yourself so im two months time there will be another attack at the Antartic empire in wich i will definetly come get you if you are still alive. If you decide to wait then you should get a job at a nearby village or the capital.


Tommy didnt want to walk all that way especially since he had a terrible sense of direction and couldnt read maps. So he decided to wait for Dream to come get him. "Well sh*t what should i do for the next two months?" Tommy said to himself as he took all the things in the chest.


Wee i added Sally the salmon. Cuz...i didnt know who else to put but next chapter will focus on Tommy. And maybe the royal family too idk-

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