(chapter 39) plans and decisions

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Phil was nervously pacing through his room as he waited for all of the rulers of the neighbouring kingdoms arrived.

After all this was going to be the meeting they would of discussed the children and friends of eachother who were ripped away. How can Phil not be nervous?

A knock could be heard and Phil stopped in his tracks as he cleared his throat and straightened his posture.

"Come in." Phil said as Wilbur and Techno walked into the room.

"Dad Wilbur had a dream that we think you might want to know about." Techno said as Wilbur looked frustrated.

"Is it that important mate? I'm kind of going to have the biggest meeting I've had in a while soon and you know stress." Phil told his sons as he laughed nervously.

"It's about Tommy." Techno said which made Phil freeze and nod for them to go on.


After around five minutes Wilbur had explained what the dream had consisted of. Tommy not remembering him or anything, him having a break down, the drink Tommy had mentioned, the end where he remembered Wilbur and how he looked so broken at one point.

Phil had taken it all in calmly, atleast on the outside it looked like that. In reality he was steaming with anger about the information he had received about his youngest child.

Phil took a deep breath in. "Do you two want to join the meeting happening any moment now?" Phil asked much to Wilburs and Technos surprise.

They nodded in unison. "Alright. Go put of some more formal clothing." Phil as lightly as the two rushed out to change leaving Phil alone with his thoughts about his youngest child.

"I'm going to f**cking murder whoever made Tommy drink that s**t." Phil mumbled gritting his teeth in anger.


Wilbur and Techni had returned to their fathers room now dressed in white dress shirts, black jeans and black shoes. Techno had his red cape on and Wilbur had his eye glasses wich he usually didnt wear since his eye sight was still okay even without them, but it just felt right to wear them for this occasion.

"You two look good." Phil smiled lightly.

"Thanks dad." Wilbur said Techno nodding.

A guard knocked on the door.

"Excuse me King Philza and princes Technoblade and William. The neighbouring kingdoms rulers have arrived." The guard told as they bowed.

"Thank you for informing us. You can go now." Phil said as the guard nodded and left.

"Ughhh. I hate it when they call me that." Wilbur groaned. He really preferred being called Wilbur or Will instead of William.

Phil chuckled.

"Come on. It's just a sign of respect Will. But lets head to the meeting room now." Phil told his son and started walking, Techno and Wilbur not far behind.


As the trio arrived they opened the door and were greeted by many many people. More then they expected.

"Uhm- I mean. Good to see you all. I presume that we all wanted our loved ones to hear this meeting." Phil said with a smile as he saw Eret from the Pride kingdom accompanied by Niki, Puffy from the Hay kingdom being accompanied by Foolish and Bad from the Eggpire being accompanied by Skeppy.

"We apologise for not informing ahead of time about this." Puffy apologised in everyone behalf about the situation.

Phil shook his head. "No no its okay. My sons are going to accompany us today too." Phil chuckled as he went to take a seat his sons standing behind him.

"Now, let's begin the meeting." Phil said smiling.


Phil had explained all of the information he had gotten from the time he had spent with the youngest child of his.

"So you're saying that Ranboo is alive!" Niki said hope being evident in her expression.

"Niki- you cant just go out and say that when you have not been given the permission to speak." Eret scolded his sister. "I apologise..." Niki said sitting back down.

"It's fine. I feel like all of us have that hope inside about our friends and family being alive." Phil chuckled at seeing Niki's face lit up for the first time in a while when Ranboo was mentioned.

"But. We do need to talk about our move on the attack that we have discovered to be happening soon." Phil said sternly with a slight smile.

"I wanted to ask you all to help the Antartic empire in this fight. I know it's selfish of me to ask for help for a battle that will persue against my kingdom and the masked ones but." Phil smiled sadly as he explained. "But I just want to see you all happy and reunited with your family members and friends and for that I need your help." Phil finished feeling emotional but holding the tears down.

"May I?" Puffy asked and Phil nodded.

"My kingdom will help you. After all in my opinion it's not just an attack on your kingdom by the masked ones but against every kingdoms leader here." Puffy finished as she sat down.

"Thank you queen Puffy." Phil thanked whole heartedly.

Eret raise his hand Phil nodding.

"I agree with Puffy. It's not a battle for your kingdom to fight alone. Our kingdom will help out as well." Eret said as he looked at Phil with a friendly smile and sat down.

Bad raised his hand and Phil once again nodded.

"I feel skeptical about helping. But. I can't stop the fact that you've already got Karl back and that you're trying to get everyone else back too so...my kingdom will help with the battle too." Bad said looking at Skeppy at one point.

"I thank you all so much. You dont know how much this means to me." Phil said as he smiled kindly at the others.

"Now. Let's make a plan for the masked ones attack on us." Phil said the other agreeing with a nod.


"And that's how it should go." Phil said the others also being happy with the plan they all constructed.

"Hm it's getting late. Would any of you like to stay for dinner or even the night?" Phil asked the exhausted Kings and Queens and Rulers of kingdoms.

"If you wouldn't mind me and Foolish would like to stay the night." Puffy said tiredly.

"We would like to also." Eret said as Niki leaned on his shoulder already fallen asleep.

"We are good. We have to get back to Karl." Bad said.

"That's okay. Thank you for attending everyone." Phil said as Bad left with Skeppy and everyone else followed Phil to the dining room.

To be continued

So tired- why do I keep thinking that 1-3 am is a good hour to write fanfiction. Also sorry that the chapter is kinda late. I was supposed to upload it before going to school but i ended up sleeping in and forgetting:-;
Anyways until next chapter byeee.

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