(chapter 30) been a while

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Tommy had been sick for a week now. He just wanted it to end the cold was starting to get extremely annoying for him. His voice being raspy, his nose being stuffy, the coughing and that his throat hurt all made the cold pretty unbearable. But today it was manageable.

He had also mastered saying some words in ender by now.

"Hello mate. Has the cold toned down at all today?" Phil asked Tommy as he entered the room. "Yeah. It's manageable.." Tommy said slightly smiling gripping the Cape Techno lent him as his back ached. "That's good to hear mate. What's that book you've got there?" Phil asked as he noticed Tommy reading it." "Oh it's on the ender language. Techno lent it to me." Tommy replied seeming to light up about talking of the book.

Phil smiled. "That's nice Tommy." Phil said. "I have to go do more paperwork so I'm going to go now." Phil excused himself. "Okay bye Phil." Tommy said as he flipped to the next page in the book.

Tommy was only on around page ten where it tested his reading skill of the language since the book was extremely complicated. "⊑⟒⌰⌰⍜, ⋔⊬ ⋏⏃⋔⟒ ⟟⌇ ⏁⍜⋔⋔⊬." Tommy struggled to say. "Aghhhhhh why is this so complicated?" Tommy asked himself out of frustration.

"I see you're having a hard time." Techno gave a slight grin. "Shut up man. It's hard okay." Tommy replied as he hit his forehead at the book lightly. "You cant speak ender fluently? Gringe." Techno teased Tommy. "F**K OFF TECHNO." Tommy replied aggravated. Techno chuckled a bit. It was kind of odd to see the prince do that but Tommy didnt know that.

"Why did you come here anyways?" Tommy asked. "Oh yeah. I came to drag you to dinner." Techno said. "What? But it's still like 3 p.m?" Tommy said confused as Techno picked him up from his bed. "I- WHA- TECHNO PUT ME DOWN-" Tommy demanded from the bubblegum pink haired male. "No can do. You're too slow on your own since you're sick and we have to get to the dining room asap." Techno replied as he threw Tommy over his shoulder and carried the tall blonde all the way to the dining room.

"We're here." Techno said as he set Tommy onto his feet. "Finally." Tommy thought as the shoulder of the prince wasn't exactly comfortable to be on. "What are we doing here again?" Tommy asked wanting to know the actual reason as to why he got carried all the way over to the dining room for 'dinner' at 3 p.m. "You'll see." Techno said as he opened the dining room doors for Tommy who was still a bit too weak to do it himself.

"What the- this isn't the dining room." Tommy said confused as he saw the room. It was similar with a long table and chairs way too fancy but the rooms decoration was more fancy than the dining rooms, also the lighting was a shade of white and brighter then the yellow toned and darker lighting in the dining room. There was also a big window behind the chair at the end of the table and a flag on top of the window.

"This is the meeting room. It's self explanatory." Techno replied. "Why did you bring me here?" Tommy asks still extremely confused. "Well. There's someone who we think you might want to see." Techno said as he pushed Tommy a little to go into the room. "Who would I want to see here?" Tommy questioned. "You'll see." Technoblade said as he left the room leaving Tommy alone.

"What the h*ll?" Tommy said to himself as he glanced around the room. One particular thing in the room caught his attention. I was a wooden door. Not just any wooden door. One that had someone standing there. And it wasn't just any stranger. It was- "Karl?" Tommy said eyes tearing a bit. "Hi Tommy. Been a while." The older male said.

"Is that really you? Am I going crazy? Is my cold still affecting me?" Tommy asks from the Male wich results him to start questioning himself. "it's me Tommy. Oh how was Sapnap the last time you saw him?" Karl assured him and asked smiling.

Tommy was silent. "He didn't take it well..." Tommy mumbled. "What?" Karl asked not hearing what Tommy said. "He didn't take your disappearance well. Or well your personable death..." Tommy answered more clearly while having a grim expression. Karl stood there silently a sad smile on his face.

"Do you know if he's doing any better now?" Karl asked. "Dont know...haven't seen 'im in two or so weeks." Tommy replied. "Oh...thanks anyways." Karl thanked.

"So how have you been?" Karl asked. "Sick." Tommy replied. "How about before that-" Karl asked again. "Escaping, running, Family dinner and lunch, seeing my mothers grave shrine thing oh and of course the separation from my friends." Tommy listed off bluntly. Karl took a breath in. "Oh." Was all he managed to say.

Tommy shrugged. "It's not that bad." Tommy said. "At first it was but now it's just boring. Having to wait around and s**t you know." Tommy complained.

"Uhm- yes? Maybe?" Karl replied not knowing what else to say.

"This situation isn't that pog but could be worse." Tommy said as he heard the door he entered through slam open and hit him.

"Where is Tommy?" The voice of Wilbur asked from Katl with a but of hostility. "Uhm- behind the door..." Karl replied as Tommy groaned.

"Wilbur what the h**l man?" Tommy groaned as he felt the bruise forming on his left arm and leg already. "Tom's I am so sorry-" Wilbur apologised as he saw the pissed look on the teens face.

"Why do you need me anyways? I'm kind of busy right now." Tommy questions the prince. "Oh well you see...you have to rest and-" Wilbur tried to lie but failed. "I know that's a lie Wilbur." Tommy said. "Fine I was worried about you." Wilbur caved in. "Why?" Tommy asked genuinely not knowing. "Cause you were with this guy." Wilbur points at Karl.


To be continued

I didnt know how else to end the chapter so- let's end it with Tommy yelling. Also have sort of an early upload in the sence that it's not monday for me yet. Anyways hope y'all had or have a good day or night! Until next chapter

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