(chapter 31) What?

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"I- WHY THE F**K WOULD YOU NEED TO BE WORRIED?" Tommy yelled as he felt his back ache making a face of discomfort at it. "Tommy are you okay?" Karl asked seeing the expression on his face. "Yeah I'm okay. Just sick and s**t." Tommy replied as he felt a cold hand placed on his forehead. "Your forehead doesn't feel hot anymore..." Tommy could hear Wilburs voice sounding a bit relieved.

"Huh- wait I don't feel sick. My back just hurts like h**l still." Tommy spurt out. "Your...back hurts?" Wilburs said in a questioning voice. Tommy sighed. "Fine yeah it f**king hurts. Been hurting since I got the cold." Tommy said with a tint of tiredness in his voice.

Wilbur seems to of froze for a few seconds thinking something through. "Oh...oh s**t-" Wilbur says eyes in slight excitement and a grin sliding onto his expression.

"W-what?" Tommy asks nervously. Wilbur looked at Tommy straight in his eyes and said "They grew!" "What?" Tommy questioned confusion clear in his voice. "Take off the cape and the shirt." Wilbur said sounding a bit creepy by accident. "DUDE WHAT THE H**L?" Tommy yelled disgusted. "Oh f**k. Let me rephrase that. Your wings grew in so you need to take your shirt and that Cape off to strech them." Wilbur explained wich sounded a h**k of alot less creepy.

"Oh...wait I had wings-" Tommy remembered as he took his shirt off. As soon as he did his scarlet red wings with white tips highlighting them stretched open and a pile of feathers wich had been stuck to the wings fell. "OW- F**K- S**T-" Tommy cursed as the wings hurt like h**l. "Yeah that happens when you don't strech your wings during the growth of them. Phil told me that happens atleast. Though your wings grew in pretty late. And it's odd that they havent molted." Wilbur explained. "Would of been useful to know d**khead." Tommy groaned as the pain on his back disappeared making him feel relieved. "Oh and the melting part probably is that." Tommy said as he pointed at the pile of feathers wich fell from his wings.

"I have to go get Phil. He'll be so excited." Wilbur said cheerfully. "Stay here. I'll be right back with Phil." Wilbur said happily as he started heading over to wherever Phil might be at the moment.

"So..can we speak now?" Karl asked. "Ah yeah." Tommy replied.

"What so King BadBoyhalo doesn't like swearing?" Tommy laughed. "Yeah he replaces curse words with 'muffin' or 'muffin head'." Karl told the blonde. "Can't wait to meet him and curse like s**t." Tommy plotted as the door slammed open again this time not hitting Tommy.

Tommy and Karl turned their heads in an instant to the door where they saw Phil having tears of joy in his eyes. "Oh my Kristen. You weren't lying." Phil said to Wilbur extremely happy. "I- why would I lie about that?" Wilbur questioned feeling betrayed.

"You know full well what you did that one time and we are not going to discuss it again." Phil said expression stern only to turn back to a mix of excited, proud and happy when seeing Tommy's wings again.

"Tommy your mother would be so proud." Phil says extremely proud. "I should send her a portrait of you! She would love to see you again." Phil says to himself as he remembers his wife and how happy she would be to see Tommy be back again since he had sent a letter to the Goddess when he found out Tommy was alive.

Tommy just smiled awkwardly and nodded. He wasn't sure how to respond.

Phil went closer to Tommy eyeing his wings closely. "They seem to of grown in nicely. The colors work well with you and your feathers are so beautiful." Phil admired the wings on his sons back. "But they seem a bit damaged? And like someone tried to remove them at some point..." Phil eyed the root of the wings and how it's slightly off place.

"Did someone try removing your wings Tommy?" Phil asked eyes seeming to have worry in them. When Tommy was asked that he froze. He thought about it until he remembered. "It was a punishment." Tommy replied eyes empty as memories of the adults flooded his head of the time he raised his voice at one of them.

TW: Torture

Tommy's ears started to ring as he remembered his wings trying to be ripped off as his screams filled the cold dark room. The adult punishing him laughing at the screams of pain Tommy made as he cried and his wings were being pulled, the root of the wings bleeding and shifting slightly from their natural spot on his back. "TOM-" The feathers the adult pulled off his wings. "TOMMY." The whole time he begged the adult to stop. The- the- "TOMMY!" Phil's conserned voice yelled as he shook Tommy. "Huh?" Tommy snapped out of it a tear slipping down his cheek.

End of TW

"You okay there mate?" Phil's comforting tone of voice asked. "Yeah...I'm just hungry." Tommy replied as he puts on a smile and wiping the singular tear on his face. "Alright mate it is lunch time anyways." Phil replied as he took Tommy's hand and started walking over to the dining room after Tommy put his shirt back on having a hole cut for his wings by a maid that was called over.

Wilbur told Karl that king Bad was going to be there soon. After wich he followed the other two to the dining room.

Karl's eyes stared at the open door to the meeting room eyes filled with regret. Regret for believing the adults were the people always in the right. And having seen Tommy and the others grow to become weapons for the adults without their knowledge. He wished that he would of realised it sooner. And destroyed the masked ones. He wishes he remembered where the mansion resided so that he could of helped more to help the reign of the masked ones to fall.

"Karl. Are you okay you muffin head?" Bad asked. "Yeah." Karl nodded. "Let's go back to the eggpire." Karl said as the king nodded and they started to walk over to the carriage they came in. The laughter and the chatting of the workers in the castle of the neighbouring kingdom being tuned out as he walked with the king. No his friend.

To be continued

Have early chapter cuz i got my first doze of the vaccine also...I didn't mean to make this chapter angsty- it was supposed to be cheery and happy- but it took a turn cause I listened to a YouTube vid that got me in the mood to write angsty s**t:D but i hope you all enjoyed it! Until next chapter

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