(chapter 42) Theseus

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TW:mention of abuse//derealisation(?) ((im not sure but I'll put ot just incase))

"Theseus? Thats my middle name. Copycat." Tommy said jokingly.

Theseus tilted his head in confusion.

"Isn't Theseus just a normal name?" Theseus asked.

"I- it was a joke-" Tommy said. Did this guy not know how to take joke?

"Oh. Okay." Theseus replied turning back to the random kids grave.

"What are you doing here?" Tommy asked walking closer to the other blonde.

"Looking at my grave." Theseus replied.

"Your grave? Wait- you're the random kid my family burried thinking it was me." Tommy said looking sort of shocked.

"Got a problem with it?" Theseus asked.

"No no. I dont it's just freeky having a grave for myself when im not even dead." Tommy said looking at Theseus.

"Maybe I can ask Phil to put your name on the gravestone." Tommy suggested.

Theseus turned his head.

"That would be nice.." he said smiling less sinisterly for a second.

"But I wonder if you'll even remember this conversation." Theseus continued as he started fading.

"What- wait no no no. I cant wake up yet! I need to know more." Tommy said grabbing the mostly faded shoulders of Theseus.

Theseus smiled at the blonde. "I was the one who hurt the crow. It wasn't your fault." He said right before Tommy woke up.

"What the f**k?" Tommy said as he woke up looking around.

"What an odd dream...i wonder what i did in it." Tommy said as he yawned at got up seeing his sleeping friends like normal.

"I wonder if we have class or practice today." Tommy said as he stared out the window at the pretty blue sky sun already rosen up high enough that the reds, yellows and oranges werent there anymore.

Tommy went to shake Tubbo violently awake. Nothing. He did it again this time adding a slap to the face. Nothing. Tommy was confused. Usually that was enought to wake Tubbo up.

Tommy went over to Ranboo and did the same. He was harder to wake up in the mornings but Tomny did the same to wake up Ranboo as he did Tubbo instead adding an extra slap on the cheek. Nothing again.

"What the h**l? Why arent they waking up?" Tommy mumbled as he shrugged thinking tgat maybe they just had a rough night and could wake up for once.

"I'll just go ask Dream.." Tommy said as he started walking over to Dreams dorm.


Phil was extremely confused. One moment he was carrying Tommy throug the air and then he was taken from his arms and now he was in a black void woth Techno, Wilbur and the three others one persumably Ranboo from Pride kingdom.

With a closer inspection Phil noticed the blood red liquid on the ram hybrids and enderman hybrids faces. Dream had it also but instead covering his whole face in it.

"Are they bleeding?" Phil said conserned as he crouched and looked at the liquid. It smelled like strawberries and burned his nostrils as mint hit them.

"What is that?" Phil questioned as his head became abit fuzzy only a small amount though.

"Dad? What happened? Where are we?" Wilburs voice could be heard. Phil turned his head to him.

"Oh thank the heavenly forces you're okay." Phil said as he went over and hugged his son.

"But I dont know where we are either.." Phil replied as Wilbur hugged him back.

"You're in the layer between dreams and the afterlife." Someone said prompting Phil and Wilbur to turn their heads towards the voice.

"Tommy?" Wilbur asked. "Wrong. I'm Theseus. The kid you burried thinking was your son a while back." Theseus explained. "Oh- wait what?" Phil said in disbelief.

"No more questions your friend with the pink hair woke up over there so you three can wake up now." Theseus said as the Phil reached his hand to him only to dissapear with Wilbur and Techno right before touching his face.

"Bye bye. Until next time." Theseus said as he stared at the three others on the ground still sleeping. "How long until these three will wake up?" Theseus groaned as he sat down.


Tommy made his way over to Dream, George and Sapnaps dorm where he knocked on their door.

Afer a few seconds some suffling was heard and Sapnap opened the door.

"What the h**l Tommy? It's like two am. What are you doing here?" Sapnap asked groggily.

TW:derialisation(?) ((Just incase))

"What? It's two am? But its bright outsid-" Tommy cut himself off as he looked out the window the starry night sky in the place of the sunny and light blue one he thought was there.

Tw end

"What the-" Tommy mumbled.

"Go to sleep Tommy. It's too early right now." Sapnap aaid shutting the door in Tommy's face.

"Fine..." Tommy mumbled as he walked back to his dorm. "It would of been weirdly empty in the halls if it was morning though." Tommy realised as he stared out at the starry sky from one of the bigger windows in the mansion.

"Reminds me of mom.." Tommy mumbled. "Wait what did mom look like again?" Tommy realised as he sat on the marbled windowsill the moonlight lighting it and sighed.

"Tommy." A familiar voice said. Where has he heard that before?

"Huh?" Tommy let out a nouce of confusement as he looked around to see nothing.

"Tommy you cant see me. I'm in your head." The voice said again this time explaining where it was.

"What do you mean your in my head?" Tommy thought annoyed.

"Well do you see anyone else Tommy. It's me Theseus remember? Or did you forget already." Theseus said the eyeroll practically there in his tone of voice.

"I-...i did. Who exactly are you?" Tommy communicated in his head.

"I'm the kid your family buttied thinking it was you a while back." Theseus explained. "What do you mean? I'm an orphan. Family abandoned me." Tommy said to Theseus sceptical if he should trust the voice or not.


"So thats what they told you. Hah they told me my family made me have a concussion after they hit me, beat me and stabbed me. Ends up they did it all at me. I was just an experemental tool to them." Theseus scoffed after hearing the cover story Tommy got.

"What? That cant be. The adults and the generals and the other members are all nice and kind people. They took us in and gave us a home!" Tommy debadet against Theseus.

"Wow that potion really f**ks wuth your mind huh." Theseus said.

"What do you mean?" Tommy asked.

"You cant remember your brothers Wilbur and Techno. You can't remember your dad Philza. You can't even remember the absolute torture 12320 did to you." Theseus scoffed smirk evident in his tone.

"Wilbur? Techno? Philza? Who are they? And 12320 is my close friend how dare you insult him?" Tommy said becoming agitated at Theseus.

"We will see about that. Look to your left." Theseus said as Tommy's head was silent now and he turned his head to see 12320.

To be continued

Well Theseus am I right? Also thank you so much for all of the reads and votes! Until next chapter!

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