(chapter eight) The comfort

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"Tommy please stop sulking around. There was nothing yoy could've done." Ranboo tried to cheer Tommy up. Though Tommy did apriciate it he still blamed himself for Karls supposed death. "Come on Tommy. Its been a month already. Please stop blaming yourself." Tubbo tried ti cheer Tommy up as well. "I cant it was my fault. I shouldnt of let him go help the others. Sure he helped one person but at what cost? His death." Tommy said as he layed in his bed tears filling his eyes again. "Okay...but could you come observe me and Ranboos masking?" Tubbo asked. "...okay." Tommy asnwered quietly. "You should come eat dinner." Ranboo said. "Okay...be there in abit." Tommy responded. Tubbo and Ranboo left the room to go eat dinner.

Ranboos and Tubbos masking was in an hour leaving Tommy enough time to eat dinner with them for a while. So Tommy got up from his bed and wiped his tears. He put on his mask and cloak to be ready when the masking of Ranboo, Tubbo and a few others started.

Tommy opened his dorm room and walked outside. He shut the door behond him and started to walk over to the dining room. As Tommy made it ro the dining room he saw Ranboo and Tubno wave at him from a table. That table had another person sitting on it. Smiley mask on and all. It was Dream. Tommy waved back at them and went to get his soup. "Oh? We have tomato soup today." Tommy thought as he took his bowl of soup and glass of water with him to the table with Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream.

"Hello Dream." Tommy greeted wich was replied with a nod from the other. Tommy moved his mask so that his mouth was visiable and started eating his tomato soup. It was an okay tasting bowl of soup. "Maybe if it had bread to go with it, it would taste better." Tommy thought as he ate a spoonful of the soup.

Tubbo, Ranboo and Dream had to eat the soup faster then Tommy so wjen Tommy finished eating he had been the last one sitting on the table. Tommy returned his dishes to the kitchen and walked over to the ceremony room.

Before entering the sacred room Tommy fixed his mask and straightened his posture. Tommy walked inside and emidietly saw Ranboo nd Tubbo who waved at him slightly to respect the others in the ceremony room. Tommy just waved slightly back at them and found a place to sit at. Tommy sat down and stared as the ceremony started.

After the ceremony Tommy went back to his dorm room and waited for the other three to come there. As he heard Tubbos excited talking and Ranboos 'yes' and 'mhm' echo in the hallway he stepped out of the room as he knew that Ranboo and Tubbo were going to have their positions assigned and he wasnt allowed to be there. The first two who walked into the dorm room were Tubbo and Dream. They took about 3 minutes before Tubbo walked out of the dorm room amd started to walk over to the doctors office. Ranboo entered the room as his name was called and after aabout the same amount of time as Tubbo, Ranboo walked out of the dorm room with Dream. Tommy nodded at them amd walked into the dorm room. As he made it there he took his cloak and mask off and put it thi their assigned places. Tommy climbed to his bed and fell asleep.

"Tommy?..." a monotoned male voice said. Tommy turned around. Tommy saw the monotoned voiced male and panicked. It was prince Technoblade from the Antartic empire and he knew Tommys name. Tommy started to run. The prince ran after him and Tommy ended up at a garden? It was a beatiful one with many types of flowers and bushes. The garden was nostalgic. Like Tommy had been there before a long time ago.

Tommys shoulder was grabbed by someone followed by a hug. The prince was hugging him. Tommy started shaking in fear wich alerted the piglin hybrid prince. "Tommy are you oka-" the prince froze as he got a good look at Tommys face. "You look older...are you really Tommy?" The prince asked Tommy as Tommy paniced and escaped his hug and ran over to a crack on the tall wall surrounding the area. "WAIT- DONT GO THERE!" The pink haired prince yelled seeming fearful. Tommy didnt listen. He ran and went through the crack only to see a cliff. The prince ran through the hole in the wall and looked Tommy in his eyes. "Please dont...not again.." The prince wishpered looking terrified. "What do you mean again?" Tommy asked as his vision went blurry and heard one last yell from the prince Technoblade yelling his name.

As Tommys eyes focused he saw a fluffy brown haired tall male. He seemed to be a siren hybrid. He was standing in a room that seemed awfully familiar to Tommy. It looked like a mess. Music sheets all around the room. A piano near a window. A black bed frame and blue sheets. A guitar next to it with a night table. The male turned around and saw Tommy as his eyes widened. "Tommy...is that you?" The tall siren male asked. "My name is Tommy... but who are you?" Tommy asked confused about who the tall male was. "I'm Wilbur. You dont remember me?" The male named Wilbur asked having a shaky voice. "Well i havent met anyone named Wilbur before. But you do seem familiar. So does this room. Where are we anyways?" Tommy asked as he kept glancing around the room. "I'm Wilbur. Your brother Tommy... you've gotten taller...and look older...is it really you?" Wilbur said looking to be on the verge of tears. "This is my room. You've been here many times Tom. You know this room. You came over here alot. All the memories... that you cant remember... i cant ever forgive them for doing this..." the tall mans or well Wilburs tears started pouring. "I shouldnt of left you in the garden. I should of gone back! But i didnt... It's my fault... i cant forgive myself... even if i was seven...its still my fault..." Wilbur fell on his knees and started crying. Tommy went over to him and hugged him. It just felt right in that moment for him. "Well i sure as h*ll dont really know who the f*ck you are but i do know that blaming yourself for something like that sounds stupid. You were seven right? It shouldnt of been your fault completly." Tommy tried to comfort the tall male not knowing excatly what to say but still trying to help. "Thanks..." the tall siren hybrid said as Tommys eyes became blurry again.

Tommys eyes focused again and saw a big tree and a man with black wings and a striped white and green bucket hat standing infront of something. Tommy walked over to the man but when he was around a meter away from the black winged man, the man turned around in a defensive posture. As the male set his eyes on Tommy his defensive posture seemed to drop with confused teary eyes. "Tommy?" Was the only thing the male said. "..Yes?" Tommy responded akwardly. Tommy looked behind the black winged male and saw two grave stones that were blocked by the males large black wings earlyer. "Whose graves are those? If you dont mind answering." Tommy asked still feeling akward. "...yours...and your moms..." The man said without realising still looking at Tommy still looking confused but with a tint of happiness. "What- uh nevermind um- whats your name?" Tommy asked as he tried looking in a different direction from the man. "You cant remember?...Im Philza, or Phil. Your dad Tommy. You are Tommy right? You look abit older mate but...still like him...so much like him..." The winged man Phil said shaking and taking a step forward to Tommy. "My dad?" Tommy asked as the man hugged him tightly. Usually Tommy isnt the type to let people hug him but the hug Phil gave him felt nice. As Tommy thought that his eyes unfocused again.

When Tommys eyes focused he saw the three males infront of him. Philza, Wilbur and...Prince Technoblade. Tommy looked tense as he saw the last male. He took a step back as he saw the males notice him. Tommy tried to run but he was tackled by a hug by the males. Well by Wilbur. Phil and prince Technoblade walked over to him and hugged him tightly. As the hug was happening Tommy heard a voice. "TOMMY WAKE UP!" The voice yelled as Tommys eyes shot open. "TUBBO THE F*CK?" Tommy asked as he saw Tubbo. "Morning Tommy. Dream asked me to wake you up. Last minute mission." Tubbo said as he smiled at him."Me and Ranboo will be joining this one too." Tubbo said as Tommy got out of bed and put on his cloak and mask. "Oh and here toast. We dont have enough time to eat breakfast at the dining room so one of the cooks brought toast for us." Tubbo said as he handed Tommy a piece of toast with butter on it. Tommy ate it and walked out of the dorm room with Tubbo following behind him. "What were you dreaming about anyways?" Tubbo asked curious. "Cant reamember." Tommy responded and kept walking.

To be continued

Haha i wrote the dream part at like half past midnight and finished at almoust 2 am. But hope yall have a great day or night. Goodnight yall. Or morning- or evening...or afternoon- also didnt know what to tutle this so the comfort shall do. Why i decided that name? Its up to yall to figure out 3

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