(chapter 44) Closer and closer to the day of bloodshed

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It's been around a month and a week, since the incident with Klaus. Tommy hasn't had any odd dreams either. The only things bothering him now was that his two best friends were being overprotective, especially on missions and that he had been extremely tired since the incident with Klaus.

"Ranboob, Tubbs. Stop." Tommy said annoyed. 

"Stop what?" Tubbo asked all innocently.

"I- YOU TWO HAVE BEEN CLINGY AS S**T FOR THE PAST LIKE MONTH!" Tommy complained fed up with the twos actions. Like literally. Tubbo f**king broke the knees of another member, because they looked at Tommy funny.

"We have to bake sure you don't die boss man." Tubbo said Ranboo nodding in the background. 

Tommy stared at the two in disappointment. "God I'm gonna sound like a parent." Tommy thought making himself cringe at the thought of saying what he was going to. He sighed. "That guy looked at me funny." Tommy said. There was no way he would pull the I'm disappointed in you two card, so instead as the two turned their heads trying to find the none existent guy who looked at Tommy funnily, Tommy booked it away, running as fast as he could. At least far enough that the two of them don't find him.

"HE TRICKED US! GO RANBOO. RUN WITH YOUR LONG LEGS." Tubbo yelled as the two of them saw Tommy turn a corner.

"S**t. F**k. S**t. F**k. S**t." Tommy cursed as he looked around trying to find a place to hide, eventually spotting the cleaning room and quickly, but quietly, opened the door to the room went in and closed it.

Tommy was just in time too, since a few seconds later he heard the enderman and ram hybrids run past yelling only to stop as another member scolded them, threatening to tell the adults. 

Tommy sighed sitting down on the floor, not opening the lights in fear of getting caught by the two.

Tommy yawned. "Why the h**l am I so tired all the time?" Tommy questioned himself slowly closing his eyes and dozing off.


As Tommy opened his eyes, he saw a tall lady with a dress made of stars and a hat with fine black mesh covering them.

"Where am i?" Tommy asked not getting an answer. "Rude-" Tommy thought as he walked up to the 30 feet tall female. They were humming a familiar tune.

"I asked where am I?" Tommy repeated now standing in front of her yelling, but to no avail.

"HEY!" Tommy yelled, still not getting an answer. 

Tommy was getting annoyed by the second. Not only was this 30 feet tall woman ignoring him, his eyes felt watery for some reason at hearing the tune the female sung. He walked up to the woman and tried looking at her face but it was covered by the black mesh. 

The female stopped singing and turned their head to the right, which Tommy followed and spotted a black winged male flying towards the female. Tommy tried squinting to see the males face, but as he did everything went blurry and next he knew he was back in the cleaning closet.

"...Just as I thought that those weird dreams stopped." Tommy mumbled annoyed as he stood up and walked out of the cleaning closet.


Tommy walked to the gym for his training with Dream, only to see Tubbo and Ranboo arguing with him.

"Uhhh- I'll just lea-" Tommy was saying getting cut off by Dream. "Tommy! There you are." Dream said sounding extremely relieved and tired.

"There you two. Tommy is fine. He was probably just tired with you two being overprotective and went to hide in some random room." Dream told the two males now being next to Tommy.

Dream sighed of exhaustion as he saw the two now next to Tommy. "Why are you two being so overprotective over Tommy?" Dream asked pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Don't you remember what happened? First Tommy was stuck in the Antarctic empire, then almost got brainwashed by them and then that dream we all were in. Remember?" Tubbo listed off to dream with confidence. "And when he got stabbed and refused to tell us who did it." Ranboo added.

"I get that you two are worried about Tommy, but you're going too far. Can't you two see that it's bothering Tommy?" Dream pointed out, which made the two look at the ground in slight shame.

"Now could you two go? I have to help Tommy with his self defense." Dream told the two who were quick to try and argue back, but not quick enough Dream already telling them again that Tommy will be fine and if anything were to happen he was there. After a few minutes of this the two left the room.

"That was more effort than it should of been." Dream mumbled in relief.

"Anyways let's start." Dream said and the two of them started.


After around an hour the training was done and the two of them started walking to their dorms to change into their masks and cloaks.

As Tommy arrived to his dorm he went straight to his drawer to change. He spotted the yellow sweater and put it on then putting the cloak on top of it. 

Tommy then opened another drawer to take his new mask, now being a raccoon masquerade mask instead of the full face one, and putting it on.

As Tommy put the mask on, he rushed over to the ceremony room.


Tommy scanned the room for his friends and spotted them at the far right. He walked over there and sat next to Tubbo and Dream.

a few minutes later the meeting started.

The boss walked up to the podium made of quartz, with four people standing to the sides of him two on each side.

The 4'3 male cleared their throat and started talking about the event happening in roughly a week advance as to originally. The male started talking about the plan of how to destroy the Antarctic empire and its ruler and sons, talking about killing, exploding and setting everything on fire on the winter night of December 21 as the clock hits zero. 

It made Tommy feel a bit sick at the thought of it which made Tommy confused, since he was always told that, that empire did many disgusting things. In the end Tommy just shook it off and continued listening to the boss' plan.


As the meeting finished, everyone left to prepare for the upcoming battle which, if plans go right, won't last more than a day.

Tommy walked back to his dorm with Tubbo and Ranboo who were both talking about how amazing it will feel to finally crush the empire of tyrants and it's citizens. Tommy didn't want to hear about it choosing to stay quiet as the feeling of guilt and disgust floated through his thoughts. 


As the three of them got to the dorm Tommy immediately took the cloak and mask off throwing them on the drawer and climbed into his bed.

"You okay boss man?" Tubbo asked.

"Mmm. Just tired." Tommy replied closing his eyes and falling asleep, drifting into the dream world.


do u guys enjoy the less cheery Tommy or the more cheery Tommy in this fanfic? anyways hope y'all enjoyed the chapter. until next upload.

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