(chapter 45) "I'm just a bit stressed"

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Phil had just finished his fifteenth meeting that month with the other kingdoms about the up coming battle with the masked ones. It was honestly draining him a lot each meeting going from four up to nine hours each, and since he didn't get much free time with his sons and he nor Techno or Wilbur had seen any dreams with the actual Tommy in them.

Phil said bye to the other rulers of their respective kingdoms and headed over to his office to continue paperwork. "Why is there so much?" Phil mumbled with the dark circles under his eyes had become clearer everyday.

He started doing it. Reading them, signing them and occasionally rejecting some of the less needed wants of the people, like the yearly winter festival which would of been too close to the day of the battle coming up.


It had been three hours already since he started doing the paperwork. It was starting to make Phil slightly irritated at the seemingly endless paperwork.

That's when a knock was heard at the door. "Come in." Phil said straightening his posture.

"Dad it's dinner and me and Tech wanted you to come and join us like you used to before the meetings started happening." Wilbur requested Techno standing behind him, both seeming nervous about asking.

Phil smiled at them kindly. "Dinner seems good." He said as he stood up and the twins' eyes light up.

"Really?" Techno asked which Phil nodded to in response the three of them walking together to the dining room.


The three of them ate their meals of stew with a side of salad and a bread, while chatting and catching up with each other.

"It's good to know that the both of you've been doing well, even if there's been a lot of pressure with training and studies for you two more then ever, since the battle is coming up in two or so weeks." Phil said relieved to know his sons haven't been as stressed and overwhelmed as him.

"Yeah but on the other hand you don't seem to be doing fine dad." Wilbur said concern evident in his voice.

"Ah It's nothing too bad really. Just a bit stressed mate." Phil replied obviously lying.

"Dad we can tell you're lying. We're just worried about you." Techno said his usual monotone voice having a tint of worry come with it.

"I said I'm fine boys. Just a bit stressed." Phil said feeling slightly irritated for some reason. He wondered why since he never felt irritated over his sons worrying about him instead usually feeling grateful. Maybe he was just tired. After all he hadn't slept in a few days and he had been missing some meals, just trying to finish his paperwork and meetings.

"But dad-" The twins were about to protest but stopped as Phil gave them an irritated expression. "Enough. I don't have time for this right now." Phil said as he stood up and walked out of the dining room and started to walk over to his office to finish his paperwork.


As Phil finally finished the paperwork, the sun had already started to rise and thee beautiful colors of the dawn sky mesmerized him and he closed his eyes ready to fall asleep only to hear a knock on his office door making him take his look off of the dawn sky and straighten his posture.

He sighed. "Come in." Phil said but not in the usually kind tone of voice he usually had but instead with a cold and annoyed one.

The guard came in and greeted the king. "I came to drop off today's paperwork and to remind you that the meeting with the other kingdom will start in three hours." The guard said sounding nervous.

"Okay." Phil said glancing at the pile of papers he would have to finish later that same day.

"I will take my leave now." The guard said setting the papers down and bowing before walking out the door.

Phil looked at the papers and sighed. "I'll do it later." He mumbled as he stood up and started walking over to the kitchen to make coffee.


Phil was sitting in the family room drinking his morning coffee, which usually brought him a bit of joy and energy, but today just felt exhausting and devoid of joy.

Phil stood up and set the mug on the spruce table and started walking to the sleeping quarters. How long had it been since he had been there? But before he could make it all the way a guard told him that the meeting would start in five minutes, which made Phil change the direction he was going to the meeting room.


"King Philza. Is everything okay? You seem to be extremely tired lately, and it's starting to make us worried." Puffy spoke after the awkward silence got too uncomfortable.

"Hm? ah yes queen Puffy, I'm fine. I'm just a bit stressed." Phil replied trying to give a reassuring smile, which turned out more tired and stressed.

"Are you sure? We could take a break and-" Puffy tried suggesting, but was cut off by Phil. "I'm fine. Lets just get this meeting over with. It's the last one we should have before we're all going to focus more on battle skills." Phil said. He honestly just wanted to get the meeting over with sooner than later.

Puffy nodded reluctantly and the meeting began.


As the meeting finally finished Phil gave a sigh of relief and stood up.

"Would you all like to stay the night here, since it has been a pain for you all to go back and forth our kingdoms." Phil asked which to most of them agreed except Eret, saying something about Niki wanting to spend some quality time with him before the battle starts.


Phil walked over to his office just like routine and started doing the last paperwork he would have in a bit. He smiled even at the thought of the paperwork finally stopping.

So he began to do the pile of paperwork just like last time, well until a crimson red drop of blood dripped down onto one of the papers he was reading and his head started spinning a bit.

"What the-" Phil said standing up and hurrying to the kitchen for some paper towels.

"Oh my! Your majesty. What happened?" A maid asked as she saw Phil's bleeding nose. "Oh nothing too bad." Phil brushed it off, his head still spinning.

"Are you sure your majesty?" The maid asked concerned. Phil just smiled. his head was screaming at him at this point, he was sweating and his body started feeling numb.

"I just have to finish my paperwork-" Phil said sounding exhausted. And as he started walking he fell on the floor loudly and passed out. "Your majesty!" was the last thing Phil heard before he completely blacked out.



I don't know where i was going with this. I think i just wanted to show the mental state of Phil over the whole situation since i dont think ive given enough of it. Anyways until next chapter byeee. Also sorry that the chapter is a bit late. Some family drama happened so I was busy

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