Extra: All I could ever ask

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Having a baby was great. Having sleepless nights, not so great. But we managed. We took turns and I was so surprised how well Joel managed with all the stuff. It was like he had a hidden talent to deal with babies and in my opinion it was pretty much the cutest view ever to see him feeding the baby with the bottle. I of course breastfeed her too, but I had to pump a lot because for some reason my milk production was like huge. And I couldn't keep it all in. Also the wedding planning was on. Although the very first idea was to get married on summer. But, then I got pregnant somewhere around October, after Joel's birthday and Sophia was born in July. It was now October again and our little pumpkin was turning three months old soon. Yet we still managed to set the date for our wedding and it was going to be 31 of December. Winter wedding instead.

Joel was watching TV while I sat next to him on the sofa, feeding our little Sophia. The man had his hand wrapped around us and at somepoint he was watching us more than the TV. He took a deep breath and kissed my head.

"Hmm?"I looked at him. His eyes were so focused on the little human in my hands.

"How can something be beautiful...?" he whispered. I smiled and leanedmy head against his chest.
"Because she was made with extra care, as you told me babies are made..." I sighed and closed my eyes for a moment before I realized that Sophia was done with eating.

"Okay...Let's get you to bed then.." I was just about to get up but Joel was faster.

"I'll do it.. You can finish your dinner meanwhile.." he smiled and took Sophia. I smiled to him and looked to towards the kitchen table where my plate was waiting for me. I had just started to eat when Sophia started to cry in hunger and Joel wasn't home yet so my dinner got cold, again, while dealing with the little hungry human being. I got up and reheated my food.

Half an hour later Joel was back and took something to eat as well. My boobs were still killing me and I did not enjoy the pain.

"Does it hurt bad?" he asked and sat behind the table. I sipped my tea and nodded.

"It's just uncomfortable.. But it will pass.. " I said smiling and looked the man across the table. He had his hair on that freaking sexy bun again and he hasn't been too busy with shaving either. But I liked his pirate face. It was also sexy.

"What?"Joel smirked and continued eating.

"Nothing.."I smiled and lift the tea mug on my lips again.

"Only that..." I lowered the mug back on the table and tapped the ceramic mug with my nails.

"I've never been this happy.. Like... What we had in the past was beautiful but now.. This is just so much more.. " I said and finally took the sip from my tea that cooled down long time ago. This was pretty much my life now, my coffees and teas getting cold before I manage to drink them.

"I'm happy too.. I have the most amazing wife to be and the most beautiful daughter... All I could ever ask" Joel smiled and stood up to put his empty plate into the washer. He then walked behind me and started to massage my shoulders.

"Babe...You're so tense.." he said quietly. I knew I was. My whole body was.

"I'll put you a bath ready.." he kissed my head and walked to the bathroom. He was so caring that I couldn't help but to wipe few falling tears away from my cheek. He was caring before too, but now he was like extra caring. He was pretty much the sweetest man walking on this planet and I was happy to have him by my side.

I don't know how much time had passed when I felt Joel's hand on my shoulder again, gently shaking me.

"Babe?"I heard him whispering into my ear. I opened my eyes and realized that I was leaning against the table. I pushed myself up and looked at Joel who was laughing quietly. This was not the first time I fell asleep against the table.

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