6. It's not a secret hey

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I put myself a warm water run for the bath, added some bath foam and waited until it was filled enough for me to get in. Meanwhile I took off my make up and stripped off my clothes. When the bath was ready, I let the foam cover my body completely, before doing a FaceTime to Joonas. That poor guy had no idea what kind of view he was about to see, but I liked to tease him sometimes. Especially when there was a tons of shit to deal with.

"Whoa hello.. Is this one of that type of calls you want me to get into bath also and talk dirty?" Joonas was amused by the view. I knew I might have caused him some kind of reactions but at least I got his attention now.

"No" I said and tried to look the man with serious face.

"So...Then. What did I do to earn this kind of call on a Saturday morning and can we make this a habit?" He asked and rubbed his eyes before pushing himself to sit against the bedhead.

"Wrong question" I answered shortly. Joonas became thoughtful and was quiet for a moment.

"Umh okay.. So. What did I not do then?" Joonas asked biting his lip.

"There it is, good boy" I said smiling.

"What's my award?" He asked flirty and tried to peek over the edges of the phone like he was expecting to see something.

"Dumbass..." I laughed and then looked back at the camera. Time to get into the serious business.

"Mind to tell me why the hell Joel was sitting on the hood of my car last night after you were supposed to take him home?" I asked. Joonas took a deep breath and looked at me.

"Look..." He started and I already knew this couldn't be good.

"He told me that you two hooked up, again, after he found Heli fucking that other guy on his sofa. So I am kinda getting worried that he is building up his feelings for you again" Joonas spoke and yawned.

"Yeah..I kinda got a hint of it this morning..." I mumbled between my teeth.
"Did you guys sleep together again?" Joonas asked like it was something that was happening daily.

"No we didn't and it cannot happen again either because..."
"Because you finally wanna proceed with Aleksi?" Joonas cut me. I looked at him with nervous smile. Was it really all that obvious?

"How did you know anything about that?" I asked and realized that Joonas could now almost see my boobs because the foam was fading away so Iquickly pulled some foam back on me from the other side of the bath.

"Becausewe all have seen how hungrily you guys eye fuck each others.. It's not a secret hey" he smirked and wiggled his eyebrows.

"Shit..." So it was really all that obvious.

"So anyway... He wasn't really willing to come further into my car than to grab my six-pack from the front seat. I tried to get him home, I really did... But he was not really co-operating and I guess you know damn well what he is alike then. And I was too tired to even try to fight him back, I have no idea where you get the energy to do that yesterday but he then just sat on your car and started to drink, apparently until you were about to go home... " Joonas explained and yawned. I didn't even know what to say. Yes, I went through a lot of trouble to even get him out from the studio but when we were at the parking lot with Joonas, he seemed to be ready to go home.

"I mean, I don't know exactly what is going on in Joel's head but here's what I assume. Joel is getting a bit jelly because he knows Aleksi is good for you and that he will lose his comfort fuck."
"Hey watch your language there.. I don't fuck. I have sex. I still have some classiness left in me even tho I hang with bunch of guys all day everyday" I laughed. I didn't really have any girlfriends. I just never seemed to click with any of them and I am just generally better getting along with guys. These men are my family. They have seen me on my best and on my absolute worst, and they have never left my side.
"Hmm not so sure about that...Remember the time we ended in bed? That was a hungry wild fucking" Joonas reminded me.

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