4. My room is soundproof...

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I walked to the living room and sat on the couch. There was no way I would leave because we had drank the whole bottle of wine with Aleksi and even tho I lived nearby I didn't want to risk to be caught from drunk driving.

"You ok?" Aleksi asked quietly and sat next to me. I looked at him and nodded but I wasn't sure if I really was ok because of what Joel was whispering.

"Umh.. About what happened in the kitchen... " He started and I saw how his cheeks got a bit redder and he got all my attention now.

"What about it?" I asked and felt how my lips started to tingle. Aleksi licked his lips and then moved so now he was facing me. I could feel that there was some sparks just flying between us. It was almost like the Cupid was flying around us shooting his arrows on us. Aleksi carefully took my hand and pulled me against him. I gasped as our bodies touched, or should I say as I collapsed on him.

"We got disturbed.." He whispered and placed his other hand under my chin. My breath got heavier. Seeing this side of Aleksi kind of made me aroused and excited. It felt just like the times when me and Joel first got together. It felt good. Slowly he pulled my face up to him and I felt his soft lips on mine again. I carefully placed myself into his lap, straddling him and Aleksi placed his hands around me. I had forgotten how it felt to kiss someone for the first time and to feel new body against your own. It all made me want him even more.

"You wanna go upstairs?" Aleksi whispered between the kisses. These four words made my World stop for a moment and I slowly pulled from the kiss and looked at him.

"I want to.. I really do.. Just that..." I stutter and started to feel extremely bad. I knew he was all worked up, I could feel him, but Joel was here. As much as I wanted to, I couldn't risk him hearing us in the upstairs.

"Because of Joel?" Aleksi whispered and pressed my body against his. I could see how he enjoyed it. So did I. I had been enjoying all the moments we've been close in studio or where ever we have had the chance. I nodded to his question and took a deep breath. I sure did ruin the moment here.

"My room is soundproof... " He then whispered seductively into my ear and really softly bit my ear lobe. Of course it would be. When ever he was working at home, he needed a soundproof room.

"So...What you think? Haven't we been waiting for too long already?"Aleksi asked and slowly moved one of his hands under my shirt and up against my back. He slipped it under my bra and damn it felt too good to feel his soft hands against my bare skin. He didn't need to hear my answer, he already knew it. I stood up from his lap and he pushed himself up from the sofa. Giving me his hand, we started to walk towards the stairs. Before taking the first step I peeked into the guest room where Joel was in a deep sleep and quietly closed the door. Then I followed Aleksi up to his room.

The man pushed the door open and let me in, closing it after us. I could feel the passion in the air being so thick that it was suffocating me. We were like magnets pulling towards each others. I sat on the edge of the bed and watched as Aleksi slowly walked towards me. He leaned closer to me and carefully pushed me on my back. Then he knelt over me and rushed his lips back to mine. His kisses were so gentle but hungry and I loved them. The waiting had finally ended. Even tho this was not the ideal timing while Joel was passed out down stairs, but I needed this. I needed to feel Aleksi on me and in me literally all over me. Little by little we got more courage to start to explore each others more and when our shirts flew off, it all took a turn. He started to kiss down my jaw line, closer to my chest. His knee was between my legs, pressing against my womanhood and his left hand gently massaged my left boob through the bra. I held my hands on his sides and just enjoyed his closure. Aleksi soon kissed his way back to my lips and I felt how his tongue was eager to get into my mouth so I parted my lips just enough to let it in. While our tongues danced with each others, I reached my hand to his belt and undid it. Aleksi grabbed my hand and pressed it hard against his hardened member that could be easily feel through the fabric and he let out a very satisfied groan. That turned me even more on and I opened the button and the zip of his jeans. Aleksi pushed himself up to strip off the jeans and I could see through his black boxers the size of him. He caught me watching it and smirked.

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