28. We're kinda not doing anything by textbook

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A/N: So here comes the last flash back... And as always it will be written in italic


These kisses.So soft and gentle. It felt like our lips had never been apart...Just like our kisses used to be. And the way he held me.. Like I was the most fragile thing in the World. Carefully, without breaking the kiss, we moved to his bedroom. Our clothes started to fly around faster than ever and it just showed how much we needed to be with each other tonight. His body weight on mine felt better than any other thing in this World and I let my hands run over his warm, naked body. Realizing how much I really had missed him made my eyes tear up, but I wasn't the only one being emotional.

"I need you the way we had it that night..." Joel whispered into my ear and softly kissed my earlobe before looking me into my eyes. The same look he had that night... I closed my eyes and immediately the memories from it flashed in my eyes. That night...


Lazy Friday evening. I was laying on the sofa, waiting for Joel to come home. All day I was thinking how I should be cleaning the apartment but somehow I just didn't have the energy to do that. I should really stop drinking, but that was the biggest lie in human history and we all knew that. But I can always try stop drinking during the week..

I heard the door opening and closing.

"Babe I'm home" Joel said from the corridor and soon he walked to the living room.

"Hi..How was your day?" I asked and stood up to kiss him. The taller one wrapped his hands around me and the kiss wasn't a short one either.

"It was ok" he smiled and pulled me to the sofa with him. I snuggled next to him and inhaled his scent. Damn I loved it. After staying like that for a while I stood up and went to get something to drink.

"You want anything?" I asked as I opened the fridge.

"Anything but alcohol... Do we have any coke left?" Joel answered. We had. So I took some for both of us and went back to the sofa.
"So umh..What plans you have for the weekend?" he asked while wrapping his hand around me.

"Nothing much.. Guess I have to clean  this place.. Looks like a junk yard..." I yawned and sipped the coke in my hand.

"Can that wait.. Like a bit more?" Joel asked and looked me. My eyes met his and I wasn't entirely sure what he meant with that.

"Sure it can but we're gonna clean this place at some point tho.." I answered and placed the glass on the table. Joel put his next to mine and looked me smiling.

"Yeah I know.. Just that.. I.. Kinda made plans for us" he said.

"Ok Hokka.. What you have in mind?" I sat up and tried to read something from his face but he was a master prankster and had pretty good poker face, so for me it was quite hard to break through that face at the moment.

"I thought that I'd take you out tomorrow... Kinda want some good Italian in some nice restaurant or something like that.. Besides, we haven't been able to spend time alone for a while.. You know.. with all the band stuff and I think we really need this weekend just for us" he smiled but I could tell he was still hiding something. He was right tho. There has been so much going on lately, even on the weekends. If there wasn't something to do with the band then the guys were all here or we were at someone else's place. We hadn't had alone time for a while so the idea of just me and him sounded great.

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