Talking Dead. (edited)

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(take a moment: enjoy the photo👆)

Chandler's POV-
"Y/N?" He wrapped his arms around you from behind.

"Yeah babe?" You smiled.

"I'm gonna be on The Talking Dead tonight.. You wanna come?"

"I would be honored." You kissed his cheek.

~Live TTD~

Your POV-
"Chandler so I heard you have a girlfriend?" Chris asks him.

"Yes I do." He said proud, "And actually she is in the audience." He smiled.

"Why don't she come up here?" Chris invited.

"Y/N? Can you come up?" Chandler stood.

You shyly shook your head, and mouthed, "No". Chandler came down to the audience and took your hand and lead you on stage.

"May I ask you what your name is?" Chris asked.

You drove your head into Chandler's leather jacket.

"Y/N. Don't be shy." Chandler lifted your head up. "Chris this is Y/N."

"Chandler may I ask how long have you two been dating?" Chris looked at you.

"Seven months." Chandler answered.

"And 6 days." You finished.

"Oh my god. She speaks!" Chris laughed.

"Sorry. I just don't really like a lot of attention." You shyly spoke out.

"Babe. It's okay. There is only 6.7 million people watching probably more than that." Chan laughed.

"Yeah cause that make me feel a whole lot better." You rolled your eyes.

"Uh- Y/N would you like some casserole ?" Chris laughed.


"Y/N can I ask you one question before the break?" Chris needed answers.

"Yeah sure." You sat up.

"What is it like dating Chandler? Especially with the whole Carl and Edin thing?"

"Well, dating Chandler is amazing our families love eachother, he always knows what makes me laugh, he is an awesome boyfriend. The whole Carl and Edin thing don't bug me at all. Katelyn is extremely nice! She and I actually know each other from school. We used to both go to the same school, and she is actually a fan of
(Your and Chandler's ship name)
(comment here what it would be)
And I love her singing. She is just flawless. I love her." You said proud.

"Well thank you Y/N for coming up, and thank you Chandler for bringing her, may I say you two are extremely cute together." He smiled.

"And break!" The announcer announced.

"You were amazing." Chandler smiled.

"Shush. Thanks for bringing me. I love you."

"I love you too." He said leaning in.

You leaned in as well, you forgot that you were on the set of TTD. "Get a room!" Chris laughed.
Hey guys!! Omg I loved tonight's episode!! I'm sorry but I ship Carnid!!! ❤️ and also @MsMingusReedus FOLLOWED ME ON TWITTER 😭😭 OMG anyway. Hope you like the story. I'll update soon😙

This is one of my favorite imagines I made. Anyway bye unicorns 🍦

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