lazy day

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Joshua's pov

Month 50

Today is going to be a lazy day for me. I'm stuck here at the house while Tyler is out with his mom. They're Christmas shopping or whatever, I don't know. I wasn't paying much attention, after he told me he was going out without me I got sad and stopped listening. Is that a dick thing to do? I don't know, it's one of my last days off before the Christmas season is in full hit and he knows this, I was excited to spend it with him but whatever. 

I'm only a little salty about it. 

I guess I could put up the tree and stuff, but I think he would get upset if I did that without him. I could at least start wrapping my presents for him. Oh! And I could bake cookies and watch Grey's Anatomy! He might get upset I watched it without him, but that's what he gets for leaving! 

I turn on the tv, instantly going to Netflix. It's takes a second to load, but when it finally opens I put on Grey's. I plop the remote down and get up from the couch, going into the kitchen and turning on the oven. I preheat it, and then walk upstairs to our shared room. I haven't gotten him that many things yet, seeing as how it's only November 28th. 

I've gotten him two new beanies, one red and one orange. A few different pairs of fuzzy socks because I know how much he loves them. I also got him a small bag of balloons as a prank gift. He hates balloons, so it's a little inside joke with us. He'll hate it and it'll be amazing. I want to get him a bunch of small gifts and like, one giant, amazing, mind blowing, show stopping gift. I was thinking a new piano, he hasn't played his in a while. Or a recording set, something musically. He wants to pursue his musical interests, he's an amazingly talented man and I just want to help him. Just give him that push in the right direction, I dunno. 

I walk downstairs with the small gifts in hand and drop them on the couch as the oven beeps, signaling I can put the cookies in. So I go do that, I dig out the frozen, pre-made cookies out of the freezer and place them on a cooking tray. Put that tray in the oven and set a timer for 15 minutes. One thing I learned from my mom, when baking you want to give yourself five to eight minutes less time than necessary. If you give yourself too much time, you might over bake your dessert. I probably fucked that up, that saying I mean. It made sense when my mom said it, whatever shut up. 

I go back to the living room and pull out the wrapping paper from behind the tv stand and toss it by the couch. Grabbing a pair of scissors and some tape, I sit in front of the tv and start wrapping the few presents in front of me. 


"Tyler! My baby boy!" I yell, running at him as he enters our home. 

He laughs and hugs me, rubbing his frozen hand on my bare back. "I smell cookies, did you bake without me?" 

I chuckle and nod my head. "I definitely did. I was gonna set up the tree too, but I figured you'd get mad if I did that without you." 

He breaks the hug and takes his jacket off. "You're damn right I would. Are there any cookies left over?" 

"Yes, I ended up making all three things of them."

"Joshua! I wanted to make some!" He pouts. 

"We can go buy more soon, we have to get a gingerbread house anyways."

He rolls his eyes and walks off into the kitchen. "We should get two and have a gingerbread house making contest." 

"You're only saying that because you know you'd win." 

He walks back out, a cup of milk in one hand and two cookies in the other. "You're right." He smiles. 

I sit on the couch and he follows me, handing me a cookie. "We should still get two of them." 

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