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"Call me every single day, Tyler! I mean it, I know you're an adult and living with your boyfriend but I'm your mom and I'm gonna go crazy with you being gone." She cried.

Tyler laughed and pulled her into a hug. "I will, mom. Don't worry about it. I'm gonna miss you a lot."

She squeezed her son before pulling away. "I love you love bug."

"I love you so much, mom. Thank you for believing in me. I would be nowhere without you."

Kelly cried thinking about her sons life. It was never easy for him; he was always bullied at school and it only got worse when he came out as gay. His dad hit him and after a while, he just left his family. All Tyler had left was Brendon and his mom; but that's all he needed.


"Thank you Kelly! We wouldn't have gotten this far without you." Brendon joked.

"Oh hush, it's no big deal! I had nothing to do anyways."

"Okay mom, white or red wine?"

"Red." She smiled.

Tyler poured his mom a cup of wine and walked into his newly furnished living room.

"There you go." He smiled, giving his mom the glass. "And there you go." He handed his boyfriend another beer bottle.

Tyler sighed in happiness, life was good for him. Finally.


"Josh William Dun are you fucking kidding me?!" He yelled.

Josh threw his head back and groaned. "It's not a big deal, dad! And besides, he threw the first punch!" He defended.

"That doesn't give you the right to break his nose! You're unbelievable!"

He rolled his eyes and looked at his mom, hoping to get her to back him up. To which she held her hands up in defeat.


"Un-fucking-believable! Josh this is the third time this week! When are you gonna learn?!" He spat.

"If you would just listen to me-"

"Josh there's nothing you can say to make what you did to that poor boy right! You can't justify it!"

Josh groaned and pushed passed his father and walked to his room. He pulled a backpack out of closet and began filling it with his clothes when his dad entered his room.

"Where do you think you're going?" His dad asked.

"I'm leaving. You two don't fucking understand and believe me when I try explaining myself. I'm fucking leaving."

At least he tried. His father laid his hands on him for the last time. That night, Joshua William Dun ran away and never looked back.


"You must be Josh!" Tyler smiled, holding his hand out.

"Joshua." The red haired man corrected, taking the other mans hand in his own.


"I go by Joshua."

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