down in the dumps

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Joshua's pov

"Hey Josh, it's me again. I haven't heard from you in a few days... more like two weeks, but you know that. I've stopped by your apartment a few times, but the last time... Jim didn't even bark when I knocked. Are you okay? Where are you living now? You know you can stay with me if you want, and of course, Jim is just as welcome as you are. Just please, call me back Josh. I'm worried about you. Alright, I'll call you later. Bye." Beep

That was the 20th time shes's called me this week. She calls me four times a day, I love her but fucking Jesus Christ, stop calling me! I was evicted, I've been living in my car with Jim for 12 days. My only source of money is my minimum wage job at the coffee shop. I barely have enough money for gas, let alone money for food for Jim. 

I don't want to depend on Debs. I've never depending on anyone for anything my entire life and it's not going to start now. I don't care how bad it gets, I'll always me and that's all I'll ever need. Me and my best friend Jim. 


My back is facing the door as I hear the bell ring. I'm already making a coffee so I just let Ethan deal with the customer. 

"Hi, can I just get a medium iced latte with caramel, mocha and whole milk with whipped cream?" 

My head shoots up. Tyler.

Oh. Wait. He hates me. I shouldn't do anything. Whatever. 

"That'll be $4.60, please." Ethan says.

I roll my eyes and walk over to the counter. "Here you go." I say, handing my customer his drink. 

He thanks me and then goes about his day. I start going through the other orders when I see him in front of me. 

"Hi." He says quietly.

I quickly look up at him then look back to what I was doing. I am so done with the Joseph family. "What?" I reply plainly. 

"I-I miss you." He said. 

Ignoring the butterflies in my stomach, I look at him blankly. "Is that why I haven't seen you in three weeks?" 

"I-I'm sorry. I've...I've been busy." He said. 

I roll my eyes at him. "Tyler, you told me to leave you alone, so I did. Your mom fucking fired me because your boyfriend told her you were cheating on him with me. I got evicted! I don't have the time for this." 

"I-I'm sorry, Joshua. I can explain all of it, please let me." 

"I'm at work, Tyler, I can't-"

"Tonight," He interrupted. "Meet me by the park that's just down the street. 8 o'clock. I'll explain everything." He turned around walked out the store, not looking back. 

God. I hate that I love him. 

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