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Tyler's pov

Month 3

"Alright Tyler, it's going to be a little hard since you haven't been able to speak for three months, so there's absolutely no rush, take your time with it." He said. 

Oh my God, I can't believe it. 3 months without talking, 3 months without proper communication, it all comes down to this. "W-w-whe-where's J-J-Jo-Joshua?" 

Madison's smile grew 4 times brighter and I swear my mom almost passed out. "Oh my God! That was so good Tyler! One more time?" 

"Whe-whe-where's Jo-Joshua?" I repeated. 

Holy shit. I repeated.

"Tyler! That's so amazing!" Mom basically yelled. 

"Mom, shush, we're still in the hospital!" Madison scolded her. 

I smiled, holy shit, I can smile! I can smile and not feel like my whole mouth is being pinched by a thousand tiny needles! 

"Tyler, can you say Sally sold seashells by the seashore?" The instructor asked. 

"S-S-S-Sally s-sold s-s-s-seash-shells by the sea-seashore."

"Holy shit!" Madison laughed, in a shocked tone.

"Tyler, you did so good! The work doesn't end here but you've done such a good job, I'm so proud!" The man said.

I smiled and looked at mom and Madison. "I-I-I d-did it?"

"You did, Tyler! You did it!"


"W-where's Josh-Joshua?" I asked, for what seemed to be the hundredth time in the past four hours.

"Tyler, we have some news for you," Mom said. "And it's good and bad depending on how you look at it."


"Joshua tried getting his apartment back, as you know, but the landlord wouldn't let him. So," Mom paused and looked at the door. "You can come in now!"

The door opened and Joshua walked in with a strawberry blonde women. "Hi Tyler," Joshua said. "Oh, this is Debby, my friend I told you about. And Debby, this is Tyler."

I waved at her and smiled softly at her, to which she did the same. "It's nice to meet you, Tyler. Joshua has told me so much about you."

My stomach does flips, almost making me throw up on the spot. "H-hi, D-Debby."

Joshua gasps and runs at me, attacking me in a hug. "Tyler! You can talk! Oh my God!"

I smile and hug him back, as much as I can with a half broken collarbone. "S-s-sorta." I said.

"Holy shit, I've missed hearing you're voice." He said breaking the hug. We locked eye contact, making me completely forget about everyone else in the room.

Until mom cleared her throat. Joshua awkwardly chuckled and looked back at Debby. "We uh, we have something to give you Tyler." Debby said.

I gave her a confused look and she held out her hand. Joshua took whatever was in it and turned back to me. He took my hand in his and placed something cold and metal in my palm. Keys.


"K-keys?" I asked.

"Keys." He smiled. "Our keys."

"O-our keys?"

"Yeah! Debby is moving out of her apartment but her lease isn't up for another month. She said we can live there until it runs up and then we can sign it in my name. We talked to her landlord about it and she said she's 100% okay with it." He said, beaming with joy.

I smiled and looked between him and Debby. "I-I-I don't even kn-know what t-t-to say." I chuckle. "Th-thank you, s-so much Debby."

"Of course, Tyler. But you should be thanking Josh, he's been killing himself trying to find somewhere for you two to live."

I looked down at the keys in my hand and then back up at Joshua. "Th-thank you, J-Joshua."

"Of course Tyler. I told you I'd do anything for you and I meant it."

I blushed and looked down at the ground and the door opened again. "Oh, jeez there's a party going on and I wasn't invited?!" One of my nurses asked.

"S-sorry." I chuckled.

"Oh my gosh, Tyler! You can talk!" She said.

"I-I can."

"Oh that's so great, I'm so happy for you! I just came in here to give you the paper work for you to be discharged!"

"Already?" Mom asked. "He just got the wire taken out yesterday?"

"Yeah! There's some paper work he's going to leave with explaining the meds he has to take and all that he has to do to take care of it!" She said. "He has an appointment in four months to check on his collarbone, but besides that he's all healed!"

"Even his pelvis?" Mom asked.

"Yes, even his pelvis. He's been able to walk for two weeks, his pelvis is long healed."

Mom turned to look at me and broke down in tears. I clicked my tongue and engulfed her in a hug. "M-mom, it's o-okay!"

"I know, I know! I-I've just been so worried a-about you for three months and you're all healed now and you can talk and you're safe and-"

"M-mom, I'm okay! Y-you don't ha-h-have to cry!"

She sighed and pulled away. I wiped the tears off her cheeks and hugged her again. I'm so glad to have her back.


"So you ready?" Joshua asked me.

I looked from him to the huge apartment building in front of us and smiled. "Y-yeah. Let's g-g-go home."

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