no more fights

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Joshua's pov

Month 9

Things have been going really good. At home, at work, with Tyler, life just seems to be heading in a better direction. I've been working at this new job for two months now, my boss, just out of the blue, gave me a 50 cent raise, for no reason. I like it, the job I mean, it's making me stronger for more fights.

Speaking of fights, I keep getting in them. Tyler doesn't like it, so I hide it from him. After I win all the fights, I go to Debby's house and she usually helps clean me up. She's not as good as Tyler though.

Also speaking of fights, me and Tyler haven't been in one for at least two months. Since the... oh, since the kiss. Yeah, I'm totally trying to act cool about it but I jus' wanna kiss him more. We haven't since then, which kinda sucks but I don't want to rush into anything, or even rush him when he's not ready.

Oh! And he got a new job, too! He's mainly stocking shelves at a gas station just down the road from our apartment. He says he likes it, says his coworkers are nice enough. He doesn't have to deal with too many customers so he likes that too.

He said he talked to Kelly about hiring me again, but she said it would just feel wrong. She said I saved her and Tyler's lives so it would make her feel like she's just smacking me in the face and saying I'm only good enough to clean her house. But, she did say if we need help with money then she'll be more than happy to help. And she kinda saved us from falling behind on rent, so I'm grateful for that.

Debby just got a new boyfriend, his name is Peter. Or Pete, he doesn't like Peter. He's cool, a little... too emo but he's cool. 100% the kind of kid I would beat up in high school but that's whatever. They've been together for about three weeks now. She's happy, so that's all that matters.

And me, I guess I'm doing okay. I forgot I had Jordan's number in my phone and the other day I was going through my contacts and saw his name so I called him. We've been interacting more and more, slowly but surely. It's cool to talk to him again.

Yeah, life is going pretty good.


"Joshua! What the fuck happened?!" He yelled, running at me.

Well, I was wrong.

"I-I didn't know you were home, I thought you worked today."

"What? No, it's Tuesday! I work from home on Tuesday, what the fuck happened? Are you okay?" He asked, pulling me into a hug.

See! I don't like bringing my violence around him! He's too sweet and it makes me feel all guilty and shit.

"Yeah, I'm okay. The other guys got it worse." I chuckled, hugging him back.

"Other guys?" He pulled away. "How many guys were there?"

"About four." I lied.

"About four? What do you mean about four? There is no "about" there either is or isn't! How many people were there?!" He demeaned.

"Okay fine, there was five guys there-" he dramatically gasped and backed away from me. "But I won! I got them all!"

"Joshua! That doesn't matter!" He said walking away.

"I'm sorry, if I knew you were home I would've just walked to Debby's-"

"Why would you walk to Debby's?" He asked.

Fucking shit balls.


"Joshua, why would you have walked to Debby's?" He repeated.

"B-because she knows how to clean up blood?" I lied, my voice high pitched.

"Yeah so the fuck do I! And your voice did that thing, the thing that it does when you lie! Why the fuck would you have walked to Debby's!"

God damn, this boy really studies people, huh?

"Okay fine! I don't like bringing home my violence or whatever around you, so when I get in fights, I go to Debby's house and she helps clean me up or I do it myself."

He glared at me before scoffing and shaking his head. "How long have you been doing this?"

"I don't know, maybe a month or two?"

"A month or two?! Joshua! Why would you do that? You know I don't mind helping you!"

"Yeah, but you've had to deal with enough fighting and blood to last you a lifetime, I don't want to add to it."

"So you lie to me? You go behind my back and bring this shit to Debby?" He spoke, almost venomously.

"Tyler, I know you're upset, but I'm not lying about anything. And I'm not going behind your back. We aren't... we aren't dating, I can do things and see people without you knowing." I said softly.

His face and body lightened up, and he sighed. "Whatever." He said before walking off.


"No, I get it, don't worry." He said.

He opened and slammed his door shut, leaving me and Jim alone in the living room.

Well God fucking damn it, this is not what I had planned.


"I just don't un-understand why he would do that!" He said, between cries.

"N-no, I get that-"

"Y-yeah, I know, but-"


"Yeah," he sighed. "Y-yeah okay, whatever."

I heard a small crash before a loud thump. My heart beat picked up as worry pooled in my stomach. I sat up off the floor and knocked on his door.

"Tyler?" I said. "Tyler? Could I come in?"

He didn't answer me so I sighed and sat back down. Back in the same spot, across the hall, that I've been sitting in for an hour.

The door unlocked and the knob twisted before the door opened slightly. His head peaked out as he looked around the hall, coming to a stop as he saw me on the floor in front of him. He sighed and opened the door a little more.

I half smiled at him and he shook his head. "I-I-I'm mad at-at you." He said, hiccupping.

My smile dropped and turned into a frown. "Why?"

"I don't w-want you to-to-to leave me." He said.

I tilted my head and gave him a confused look. "Why do you think I would leave you, Tyler?"

"I-I just... everyone d-does. And-and-and with you constantly f-fighting, I'm s-scared some-something will happen to you."

"Oh, Tyler." I whispered. I pushed myself off the ground and walked to him. He opened the door and let me hug him. "Tyler, I'm never ever going to leave you. And nothing will happen to me, the worst that'll happen to me is I'll get is a broken nose."

"Y-you don't know that. One of th-these times, you-you could get yours-self in big trouble."

I sigh and hug him tighter. "Okay."

"O-okay?" He repeated me and pushed away. He gave me a confused look. "W-what do you mean?"

"I'll stop fighting. No more fights from here on out."

"R-really?" He asked, his big doe eyes glistening with tears.

I smiled softly and nodded. "Yes really. No more fights for Mr. Joshua Dun."

He fought back a smile before hugging me. He nuzzled his head into my chest, causing me to smile. I hug him back, kissing the top of his head gently.

"Thank you so much, Joshua."

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