might be saved

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Tyler's pov

It's been three days. I left that fucking piece of paper in his car three days ago. I haven't heard from him or seen him since and it doesn't fucking help that Brendon has kept me locked me in our room since that night. Three fucking days.

Maybe... maybe he tried contacting the police, and maybe they said they needed more evidence than just paper. Maybe he's thinking about it... smartly... I don't think that's a word. Is it? Smartly. It sounds like it could be. Whatever! That's not the point! The point is, he could just be playing it safe, so he doesn't just barge in and all Hell breaks loose.

Or maybe I just wasted my fucking time. Maybe I spent too much time hoping and praying he could help me when I should've been helping myself. There's no way he'd actually try and help me. I wasted my fucking time trying to get him to help me when I could've been thinking of ways to help myself.

I've been in this room for three days with little too no food and water. I'm losing my mind in here, I keep hearing shit out in the living room like people talking and furniture being moved around. Sometimes the noises sound so close, like I could just turn around and I expect something to be there, just watching me. Oh my God, I'm gonna die in here.

Holy shit, this was his plan this whole time! How did I not see this coming?! He's gonna kill me and he'll use my dead fucking body to continue pleasuring him. It's always been his plan. God damn it! I'm so fucking stupid! How did I not see this! He's gonna kill me just so he can use and abuse me even further. I wont be able to yell or fight back, I'll be dead.

"Love bug?"

My body jolts forward from my bed as I hear moms voice echo through the empty house.

"Mom?" I call back.

"Love bug? Where are you? Are you okay?" She asks, her voice worried. Her footsteps became louder, sounding closer.

"M-mom is that really you?"

"Yes, why wouldn't it be me?"

"Say something a-about me that only my real mom would know!"

"Uh, okay...." She pauses. "Oh! You're first crush was our old neighbor, his name was Diego!" She said.

Tears instantly streamed down my cheeks. It's really her.

"Mom, I'm stuck in here. I-I can't get out."

"What? Are you locked in there?" She asked rattling the doorknob.

"Yes! I've been locked in here for three days straight mom. He-he did this, mommy. It-it was Brendon." I sobbed.

"Oh, love bug...so what Joshua told me is true?"


"Joshua called me yesterday. He said that you left a note in car, a-a cry for help. He told me I had to come see you."

He called someone.

"Yes, y-yes, it's true, mommy. Please get me out of here! Please!" I pleaded.

"Is-is there a key anywhere, love bug?"

"N-no, he takes the key with him. I-you need to kick the door down."

"Love, you know I'm to old for that." She chuckled. "I'll call Joshua, okay? He can come kick the door down."


I hear her talking into the phone for a few moments and then she hung up.

"Okay, love bug, Joshua is on his way, okay?"

"Mommy, I-I'm sorry." I wail.

"Love bug, listen to me, okay? You have nothing to be sorry about! You didn't do this, you couldn't have prevented this! I'm sorry that I couldn't see what was happening to my baby, okay? I'm sorry you had to endure this, I'm so sorry love bug. I'm gonna get you out of here and you'll never see hi-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?"


"Brendon?" I whispered.

"I'm taking my son home, Brendon."

"He is home, Kelly. You're not taking him anywhere."

I heard him walk closer to the door and my heart shattered. I ran to the door and started banging on it.

"Don't fucking touch her, Brendon!" I yelled. "Don't fucking touch her!"

"Shut the fuck up, Tyler!" He yelled back. "I'll do whatever I want!"

"Brendon I fucking swear to God if you hurt her-"

"What? What're you gonna do? You'll cry? Shut the fuck up."

"Love bug, it's okay." My mom spoke. "It's gonna be okay."

She said before I heard a grunt. I heard a thump before more grunting and Brendon whispering.

"Brendon get off of her!" I shouted.

"Shut the fuck up Tyler!"

"Stop hurting her, please!"

I heard him sigh and a few moments later I heard him walk to the door. I ran back to our bed as he unlocked and opened the door.

"God, Tyler. Do you ever fucking listen?" He asked.

I notice blood spattered all over his shirt as he walks close to me. Before I can say anything, he punches me.

Stumbling back, I try to catch myself. But I fail. I fall off the bed and hit the back of my head off a desk. He made his way to me and picked me up by shirt.

"You're so fucking annoying, Ty. I can't fucking stand you." He threw me over the bed, causing me to roll on the floor.

Something sharp hit my side and I let out a whimper from it.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled, walking back to me.

He kicks me in the stomach and leans down, hovering over me. He punches me again, a few more times. He never learned when to stop.

"You're fucking pathetic Tyler." He spat, continuously hitting me.

He stood up and just started kicking me all over, making sure to not miss any part.

As my vision turns to black and my ears are filling with blood, I'm at peace. I'm gonna die today, and I want to. I don't want to be alive anymore. I don't want to see and hear anything. I just want to die.


"Get off him!" I hear. "Stop!"

My eyes flutter open and I see a bright red haired man run over to Brendon and hit him so hard he falls to the ground.

I try to speak but it only cause more pain. Tears gush down my face as I lay limp and watch them fight.

I never thought this day would come. I might be getting out of here, without death being an option.

I might be free by the end of today without rolling out in a body bag.

I might be saved.

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