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Joshua's pov

Month 38

(ayo slight smut ahead! proceed with caution!)

So I know he said he doesn't want to plan it out, and wants it be like a second nature kind of thing, but it's been 8 months since he said he was ready and not much has happened. No, I'm not rushing him, I know I still need to take my time which I am, I just want him to know that I still want to do it. I know he needs that constant reassurance, and with the whole Bill and Chris situation, I haven't really been able to reassure him much.

I'm setting up a little date night for us at home. A movie, dinner, a warm bath and then if he wants, we'll do the deed. But only if he wants. I could be reading too much into this, I should probably just talk to him and make sure he's still ready but when I pester him too much about something he gets agitated and I don't want to upset him. I'm just gonna go for it, and if he doesn't then at least we'll still have a good time.

For a movie we're gonna watch The Breakfast Club, I know he likes it and we haven't seen it in a while. Then for dinner I'm making his favorite chicken and rice with a side of assorted veggies, and a red bull smoothie for a drink. The bath is going to be a normal bubble bath with the essential rose petals and candles that are the only light source. I hope he likes it.


"Hi love." I say smiling as he climbs into my car.

"Hi Joshua." He smiles, kissing my cheek.

"How was work today?" I ask, starting the car and pulling out of the parking lot.

"It was alright, Meg is a bitch and I fucking hate her. All she does is complain about her husband and I'm like, 'bitch I don't fucking care! Also couldn't be me, my boyfriend is one of the seven wonders of the world and we're not even married yet.' I just can't listen to her whine any longer or I'll rip my fucking ears off."

I laugh and shake my head, turning left onto our street. "Well she sounds miserable. Why don't you just tell her to stop? That you can't deal with it?"

He laughs and shakes his head. "People in work spaces don't like boundaries babe."

I smile and park in my spot then shut off the car. "Well make them uncomfortable with your boundaries, love. Your mental health is more important than listening to insignificant people whine all day."

He looks at me and smiles. "I love you."

"I love you too, Tyler. Also, we're home now, so just let go of all your work stress."

"That's easier said than done though."

We unload from the car and walk up to the building holding hands. "Yeah, I know, but there's a few surprises waiting for you inside to hopefully help with that."

He holds the front door open for me and smiles. "You and your surprises."

"I'm pretty great, I know."

He laughs as we walk up the stairs. "You are the absolute greatest."

Coming to a stop outside our apartment, I unlock the door and swing it open for him to walk in first. He gasps as he takes in the way I set everything up. The kitchen table has a white cloth over it, holding two giant candles in the middle and two empty plates. The curtains are closed with multiple lit candles all throughout the two rooms. The tv is waiting for us to play the movie and food is just about ready to be eaten.

"Joshua William Dun, you did not." He says looking back at me with tears in his eyes.

I nod my head and give him a cheesy smile. "Of course I did."

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