introduction 2

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Joshua's pov

Oh, fuck! You scared me, man! You can't just creep up on people like that, damn!

Whatever, I'm Joshua. Well Joshua William Dun. I'm 24 and I get aroused from beating people up.

Let's start from the beginning.

My dad has always hit me. It started with just spankings every once in a while, like some parents do. The earliest memory I have of him spanking me was 5 years old. When I did something bad I got hit, that's just the way it was.

But it started getting worse. When I was only 10 years old, I was covered in bruises and cuts and scars. He would hit me for no reason, it gave him a sense of power.

He would hit me with anything he could find. His hand, his shoe, a belt, a wooden spoon, picture frames, electrical wires, candle sticks, literally anything.

Age 12 is when I thought I could be the same. I started bringing that shit with me to school. I started acting like my dad.

I was 13 years old when I got into my first actual fist fight. See, I've been in plenty fights before then, granted it was just mostly shoving and pushing kids around. When I was in the sixth grade, I heard some rat kid call my friend a faggot. I didn't even fully understand what that word meant at that age. But, I knew it was an insult and people don't insult my friends. So I broke his nose.

A year later, at age 14, grade seven, I had gotten in ten fights. No, I wasn't necessarily good at fighting, but the other kids didn't know that. I was kind of infamous and only certain (stupid) kids tried to fight me. But who needs to be good at fighting when you know how to break noses?

That didn't last long. Well, that school. I got expelled. My parents enrolled me at a new school and I made it very clear I wasn't there to make friends.

At age 15 I actually learned how to fight. I took boxing lessons and I had a job so my parents didn't have to pay for it. Three, two hour sessions every week. It was very useful to say the least.

Age 16 is when I realized I kinda liked it. Hurting people like that. It kinda, it gave me a boost of ego. Even if I didn't have shit going for me, I could easily knock anyone out. At this point, I had been in over 50 fights. With students and random ass adults.

Did my parents know about it? Yes. Did they try and stop me? Not really. At first they did. They gave me the whole "violence is never the answer", but my dad was still hitting me so it didn't stop me much. After hitting the age of 15 they stopped. Stopped trying to talk to me about it, stopped caring, stopped trying to reason with me, they just stopped.

Then I turned 17. My name was spread all over Columbus Ohio at this point. I would go into stores and people would already be on the look out for me. It ran to my head, really.

And before you say anything, no I'm not some fucking psycho. I just know my own strength and I know how to handle myself. I know for a fact that the same thing would happen to you if could do what I can.

Anyways, this fucking douche bag, piece of shit, not worth the shit under my shoe, student was outted as a rapist. The word quickly spread about what he did to many different boys and girls and then I got a hold of the news. It didn't go too well. For him.

God, I've never been as angry as I was that day. I let shit loose. All the other kids who tried to stop me couldn't pull me off. The teachers and staff who tried to get in between only got hit too. I didn't stop until both my hands were broken.

My parents didn't listen to me. They wouldn't let me say that he was a fucking worthless scumbag. I packed my bags because they never listened to me; I was determined to leave. But my dad had other plans.

He hit me. And he didn't stop for hours. So that's when I knew I was running away. And I did. That night when my parents were sleeping, I took my chances and just left. I hopped on the first bus and stayed on it until the next morning. I ended up in Michigan.

Now, at age 24, I'm back in Columbus. And I'm hopeful. Not for like, getting over my past, but for more fights. I don't think I'll ever outgrow this, and I've really come to terms with it. I like hurting people and knowing they can't do shit back.

Okay, I totally sound like some psycho.

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