there's a vision, but you wont save me this time

103 7 0

Tyler's pov

Month 44 prt 4

*tw for this! it gets very fucked up and quickly*

Cold. Wet. Shaking.

Pain. Whip. Shaking.

I don't know where I am, or how I got here. I just know I need to leave. I need to leave and I need to save myself, he wont save me this time.

"Wake up." His voice rings through my ears as he splashes cold water on my naked body.

"F-fuck." I whimper.

"Today's gonna be eventful for you, love." I can't see him, but I can feel his evil smirk. I don't respond, so he continues. "I don't want to keep this up, I think I've hurt you enough, but I need to get my point through." He says, walking behind me. "Now," He whispers in my ear. "Tell me, where's Joshua."

"I'm n-not telling you anything." I choke.

"Tyler, Tyler, Tyler," He clicks his tongue. "If you don't tell me, I'm gonna make it so you wont be able to walk again. Where the fuck is Joshua."

"Do whatever you want to me. Hurt me, cut me, whip me, rape me, I'm not telling you shit."

He chuckles before whistling. I hear a door open and a few heavy footsteps. "I'm not gonna rape you Tyler, I have someone else for that. I'm gonna cut off your fucking legs."

"You're fucking insane!" I yell.

"Shut up." He says hitting me. "Boone, get the saw."

There's some clanking and loud bangs before a new voice speaks. "Here you go boss."

I feel a hand on my shoulder making my whole body flinch. "Now Tyler, are you really sure not giving up the location of Joshua is worth your ability to walk?" He asks.

"F-fuck you Brendon. Do whatever you want to me, leave him alone."

"I already did whatever I want to you, Tyler. I'm tired of you, I want something new. Someone new. I want Josh, so tell me where he is."

"Eat my ass Brendon."

He laughs and something cold and metal presses against my bare thigh. "Been there, done that."

He drags the metal thing across my leg, cutting into it deeply. Yelling loudly, Brendon just laughs and drags it across me again, this time in a different direction.

"You can go back now, Ty. Just tell me where he is." He says, lifting the metal.

"Fuck you." I say through gritted teeth.

He sighs and brings the saw back down. "You had your chance Tyler."

Closer to my knee, he stabs the metal object into my skin and drags it all the way to my hip, causing me scream in pain. Doing it again, but backwards this time, starting from my hip down to my knee. He does a few extra cuts and scratches before a loud bang emits from above.

"What the fuck was that?" He says.

"I don't know, I'll go check it out boss." The other man, Boone, says.

"No. No, I have it. Stay here and watch him."

"Yes sir."

The saw is left on my leg, and his footsteps decrease the further he walks away. The door opens then slams shut. My breathing heavies as I hear another seat of footsteps come near me.

"B-Boone?" I say.

"Shut up, bitch." He says, slapping me across my face.

"Let me out of here man."

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