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Joshua's pov

The sun beams blind me as I roll over in my bed, making me groan dramatically loud.

"Jim, the sun is so stupid." I spoke.

I look over at the small puppy in front of my face and he turns around, leaving my room.

"Rude!" I laugh.

Throwing the blanket off of my half naked body, I swing my legs over the bed. Holy shit the floor is so cold.

"Jim, why are floors cold? Shouldn't we be passed that?" I yell out.

He obviously didn't answer me. He's a dog, and I'm not fucking crazy. This isn't some made up world, dogs don't talk.

Oh, wait. I don't think I told you guys. I got a dog! Named him Jim. He's adorable and I'll kill anyone that tries hurting him. He's majestic.

Whatever, today's Sunday; my day off. I forgot to make plans for today once a-fucking-gain so I guess I'll just take Jim for a walk. I suppose he wouldn't mind.

Walking down the stairs to the living room, I notice Jim's already by the door. I lean down and give him a kiss on the head and then put on my shoes.

"Wanna go for a walk?" I ask.

He instantly stands up and starts wagging his tailing, jumping all over me as I struggle to get his harness on him.

"Stop fucking moving!" I say laughing.

He didn't stop but I eventually got it on him. I hook his leash on and grab the keys before walking out of the house.

"Jim, wait!" I yell, locking the door.

We started down the road, having no destination in mind. Oh! Fuck, I also forgot to tell you! I moved! It's a little closer to Kelly's house but on the opposite side. It's about an hour away from the last apartment and like, 30 to 40 minutes away from Kelly's, depending on traffic.

It's not too bad. An upgrade from the last place, but nothing compared to Kelly's house. Obviously. I live in a one bedroom apartment, she lives in a two story house. I'll live somewhere like that eventually, I know I will. Mark my words.

"Fuck, sorry about that." I apologized, being pulled from my thoughts.

Jim was jumping over another dog three times his size.

"Oh that's okay! Cute dog!" The woman said.

"Thank you! His name is Jim." I smiled.

"Jim! I love dogs with human names!" She beamed. "This is Bill!"

"Oh that's funny! My dad's name is Bill! Well, William but whatever." I grinned.

"Oh that's funny!" She laughed. "I'm Debby!" She said sticking out her hand.

"Hi Debby!" I took her hand in mind and shook it lightly. "I'm Josh."

"Hi Josh," She flashed me a toothy smile. "Are you new in town? I've lived here my whole life; I practically know everyone and I haven't seen you before."

"I'm new to the area. I used to live here when I was younger but we moved away and I just moved back this year." I told her, half truthfully.

"Ohhh, okay. Well, I should get going back home. It was nice to meet you, Josh."

"Yeah, it was great to meet you." I said. "I'll see you around, Debby."

She nodded and walked away, leaving me alone on the bench with Jim by my side.

"Jim, do you believe in love at first sight?"

He huffed and laid down.

"Yeah, me neither."

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