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Joshua's pov 

Month 42 prt. 2

"So," Kelly says sitting down next to Zack. "What's going on?" 

Tyler looks at me with a smile and I nod to him. He looks back at the two and sighs. "We know it's soon-" 

"Oh my God, you two are getting married?!" Kelly yells, interrupting Tyler. 

"How did you know?" I ask, laughing. 

"How could I not?! No one starts off big news with "we know it's soon" unless it's about marriage or pregnancy, and I know my love bug doesn't want kids." She smiles. 

Tyler laughs and nods. "Well you're right about that, well both things. We are getting married." 

"No fuckin' way!" Zack laughs in disbelief. He attacks Tyler in a hug and they both laugh in unison. "I'm so happy for you, Ty!" 

"Thank you, Zack." 


"I guess it's just gonna be a small wedding." He laughs. 

"Yeah, it'll just be your family." I fall on our bed and toss my phone to the side. 

"There's no one you would invite? Not even Jeremy?" 

"Love, stop talking about Jeremy, it's been almost a full year since I've worked with him." 

He rolls his eyes and lays back with me. "Well what about Cody? He seems nice." 

"I guess I could invite him, but if I do I'd have to invite Noel too." 

"Well what's wrong with Noel?" 

"I don't- I just don't want people I work with at my wedding. I don't like any of them enough to be there." I sigh. 

"Invite Jordan. Last thing I knew you guys were talking." 

"I don't want to bother him-" 

"Joshua, I'm sure Jordan wants to be at his brother's wedding." 

"I don't know." 

He looks at me and pouts. "We could just... not have a wedding." 

I sit forward and look back at him with a confused look. "Do you not want to get married?" 

"What? No, no, of course I want to marry you. I just, I dunno, you have literally no one to invite and I only have five people." 

"So what do you suggest we do, then? We can't get married if we have no wedding." 

"I don't know, Joshua." 

I shake my head and get off the bed. "We can't be married if we don't have a fucking wedding." 


"They fucking set me up for this. They fucking did this to me on purpose. I can't get fucking married now, I don't have a family. I don't have friends, I don't have anyone." 

"Well you have your fiance." The bartender says. 

I look at him and scoff. "It's our fuckin' wedding and I won't have a best man, Jerry." 

"It's Larry, and who cares? A wedding isn't about the guests, or the best man. It's about the love you have for your partner, man. A wedding is made up from the couple and the person officiating it." 

"I'll just feel like an idiot." 

"You'll be too distracted by how beautiful your partner looks, and how every single emotion you have for them is showing. You wont even notice it." 

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