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Tyler's pov

"Hey Bren," I say opening the door to the bathroom. "My mom just called and asked if I could go over and help redecorate with her."

He pushes his head from behind the shower curtain and huffs. "Okay, just let me finish up in the shower and we can go."


"Oh, are you sure? I can just go by myself, it probably wont take that long."

He rolls his eyes and submerges back into the shower. "Yeah, Ty, I'm sure. Just give me five minutes."

"Okay." I say closing the door.

Fuck! How the fuck did I let myself get in this mess! I just fucking wanted a friend! Why did I fucking let myself do this. Oh my God, I'm fucked! Bren is gonna find out, my mom's gonna throw me under the bus and I'm gonna fucking die! Oh my God.

Walking down the hall to the kitchen, I hear the shower turn off and internally cringe. I'm gonna fucking die.


"Why is no one home?" Bren asked pulling into the drive way.

Oh my God! Maybe I can get out of this!

I shrug and go to exit the car. We close the doors at the same time as I suck air threw my teeth.

"Fuck, Bren I'm so sorry, I forgot to tell you she asked me to get something at the store."

He groans and shakes his head. "What the fuck Ty? You couldn't have remembered such a simple thing? What the fuck does she want, I'll go and get it."

"I could come with, Bren.."

"No," He says opening the car door and loads into it. "What does she want?"

"She just asked for a new Swiffer mop thing. She said Jay broke her last one." I lie.

"Okay, just start without me. Come give me a kiss." He says.

I nod and walk over to him, giving him a swift kiss. He smiles and waves as he drives off. When I can't see his car anymore, I run up to the house and unlock the front door.

I run into the kitchen and pick up the home phone. Dialing moms number, I pray under my breath she picks up.

"Hello?" She asks, picking up after a few rings.

"Mom! It's me Tyler. Look, I don't have a lot of time to explain but I'm torn in a lie with Bren and I need you to cover for me. We're at your house and I need to rearrange some things. When will you be home?"

"Wait, lovebug, slow down. What lie did you tell?" She asked.

"Mom, I don't have time to explain! I had him leave to the store so I could call you! I'll tell you everything later okay, just please, when are you getting home?"

"I'm on my way home right now, lovebug, I'll be there in less than twenty minutes."

"Okay, thank you. Just when you get home act like you wanted us to do what we're doing. Thank you so much," I hear Bren pull up to the house and curse to myself. "Look I gotta go, thanks again mom! Love you!"

"Love y-." She didn't get to finish because I hung up.

"Who were you talking to?" Bren asks walking up behind me.

"Oh!" I turn around and pull him into a small hug. "Thank you getting the stuff, Bren."

I could feel him roll his eyes as he slightly hugged me back. "Yeah, whatever. Who were you talking to?" He repeated.

"Just my mom," I say breaking the hug. I walk off to the living room and stare off, thinking about what I should move. "She said she'll be here shortly."

I feel him walk besides me and he looks around. "Okay, let's get to it."

I nod and walk around to the kitchen. "So I was thinking..." I trailed off.

"About what?"

"We should go out sometime soon. Maybe a lunch or dinner date?" I said, slightly moving stuff around.

"Why?" He asks, almost scoffing.

"Well it's just been a while since the last time, and I don't know, I miss going on dates with you."

"Yeah?" He says, walking into the kitchen.

I look at him and nod. "Yeah."

He smiles, which causes me to smile. "Okay."

"Really?" I ask.

"Yeah! I don't see why we wouldn't. I'll figure out a time and place and everything."

"Oh, thank you so much Bren!" I say hugging him. "I love you."

He hugs me tighter and kisses the top of my head. "I love you too, Ty."

"Boys?" My mom calls out.

"In here!" Bren answers.

She walks in and we break our hug. She smiles at us and gives me a confused look, to which I smile and shake my head.

"Thank you for coming over and helping! I've been wanting to rearrange for some time, I just never go to it!"

"Oh, of course Kelly! We had nothing else planned so it's nice to just to get out of the house!"


"Did your mom seem off to you?" Bren asks as we walk inside our home.

"What do you mean?"

"I dunno, she just seemed off."

I walk to the kitchen and pull a beer out of the fridge, handing it to him. "Can you elaborate?"

"I don't know Ty, she just seemed off! Like she was hiding somethin' or just even lying in general."


"I don't know what you mean."

"Really? You didn't pick up on it? She kept giving you these weird looks! Was there something going on that I don't know about?"

Oh fuck me.

"No! I think you're overreacting, it was probably nothing." I try brushing it off and started walking away but he grabbed my wrist and pulled me back.

"So I'm making shit up?"

I look at his hand around my wrist and anxiety pooled in my stomach. "N-no, I didn't say that, I-I,"

"You basically did say that." He said tightening his grip.

"I-I, no, I'm sorry, I didn't mean it like that."

"Well how did you mean it, Ty?"


"So you did mean it like that." He tsked and shook his head. "Go to our room. You better be naked and in your position when I get there."

I nodded and he dropped my hand, letting me run off. I quickly undressed myself and sat on the bed, my naked ass in the air.

"God, look at you. So pathetic." He said, leaning against the door frame.

I swallowed thickly as he made his way over to have his way with me once again. To ruin me even more. To degrade and berate me all over again.

Today was supposed to be good. Today was supposed to be fun.

I was so excited for today.

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