two years

121 6 0

Tyler's pov

Month 42

Today is our two year anniversary. He's been a little grumpy lately, I think it's just his work but either way, I'm planning something for us. Start it off with simple things, a hike at his favorite spot, the rocks and root trails, then have a little picnic by the water. When we get back home it'll be dinner time, I pre-made the food so when we do get back, all I have to do is heat it up. We'll eat and watch a movie, most likely Fight Club. After that, I'm just planning on us having sex, but he might think of something else. 

Right now, I'm on my way to the store to buy the food for the picnic, as we haven't gone food shopping in a little while. I don't plan on doing a typical meat sandwich with grapes, watermelon and juice picnic. I want something different, like something stupidly cute. Something that'll make him smile and laugh at how cheesy it is. Like lunchables and a full chocolate cake. Something like that, I'll just come up with it as I shop. 

I pull into a parking spot, shut off the car and collect my things before unloading and locking the car. I put on my sunglasses and make my way inside the store. I have no idea where I should start, maybe the produce section? Yeah, okay. I head down a few isles and stop at the veggies. His favorites are cucumbers, carrots and broccoli so I collect those, bag them and toss them in the cart. Then head towards the fruits, he likes literally all of them so I just grab some apples, peaches, blueberries and strawberries. 

I leave the produce section and make my way towards the frozen parts. Glancing around all the foods, my eyes land on the lunchables. He likes the pizza ones most, so I grab two of them for him and two of the nacho ones for me. Perfect. Now the drinks. Leaving the frozen section, I go to the drink isle. I grab a 12 pack of red-bull  and load it on the cart. Alright, now for the bakery. I look through all the cakes, not seeing any he would like. I begin to walk away, but a certain strawberry blonde catches my eye. 


"Tyler?" She says, grabbing my attention. 

I take off my sunglasses and fake a smile at her. "Debby! How's it going?" 

"It's been good! How're you doing?" She asks. 

I lean on the cart and shrug. "I've been good, not much to complain about." 

"That's good to hear! How's Josh? It's been so long since I've seen you guys." 

"He's good, he's at work right now." I say through gritted teeth. 

"He's still working with that company? I completely forget what it's called." She laughs. 

"Uh no, no he isn't. Got a new job, he's a manager at a nearby record store." 

"Oh that's so cool! Did he get fired or something?" 

"Nope, he quit. Just didn't like it anymore." 

"Okay, well good for him! Anyways, I wont hold you up any longer! It was nice catching up with you again!" 

I smile and nod my head. "Yeah, it was super nice! I'll see you around Debs." 

"See you." She smiles. 

I turn around and pull my cart with my down an isle. This is enough shopping, we don't need a damn cake. 


"Tyler! The love of my life!" Joshua yells across the store. 

I smile and make my way over to him, engulfing him in a hug. "Hi Joshua." 

He kisses the top of my head and hugs me back. "Hello love," He chuckles. "What are you doing on this mighty fine day?" 

I break the hug and shrug. "I dunno, thinkin' about having a lazy day. Nothing important is happening today." 

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