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Joshua's pov

Today's Monday! I get to clean! Woohoo. Nah, it actually wasn't that bad, I just don't want to deal with stupid fucking rich teenagers who think they're better than everyone just because their mommy and daddy have fancy jobs. I used to beat kids like that up when I was in high school, now I work for them? My, my. My mom would be impressed.

Either way, I'm on my way there; just sitting in fucking traffic. Y'know, sometimes I wish cars weren't invented so I wouldn't have to deal with this shit. No, I don't really know what we could substitute them with, maybe horses, I don't know! Just cars fucking suck man.

"Learn how to drive asshole!" Some guy yelled pulling up next to me.

I flip him off through my window and roll my eyes. Bunch of fucking pussies thinking they can just yell at anyone and think because they have a pickup truck people will back down. God, I fucking hate the human race.

"Why don't you roll down that window and say it to my face, pussy!" He went one.

Um, bitch. Pussy is my word! Get your own.

"Suck my ass dude." I yelled at him as I rolled down my window.

"Oh so you're a faggot huh?" He sneered.

I flip him off once more and roll up my window. It is taking everything in me not to get out of this car and beat the living shit out of him. But, I have to work today and I don't plan on being late.

"Hey asshole!"

I roll my eyes and looked out my window, a little surprised to see him right outside.

"Why don't you come out here and prove you're such a badass, huh?"

I rolled down my window half way and he instantly threw a punch at me. Even if he didn't epically fail, he has balls.

"Dude, get back in your car!" Another person yelled.

"Agreed." I spoke.

"Nah, you're such a tough faggot, why don't you come out here and show me what you got?!"

I sigh, realizing he's trying to open my door! God; if you're out there, please tell Kelly I didn't want to do this.

"Dude!" I yell, swinging my door open. I hit him with it, which caused him to stumble backwards. "What the fuck is your problem?!"

He swung and landed a hit. Holy shit, he actually hit me. No body hits me and fucking gets away with it!

"You're dead." I said.

I gave him a quick punch to the face, stunning him. I grabbed him by the shoulders and headbutt him before kneeing him in the dick. I threw him backwards and started walking back to my car.

His hand landed on my shoulder and pulled me back. He threw a punch or two and landed each blow. So I swift kicked out his left leg, making him fall to his knees. I kneed him again but in the stomach, before pushing him back again.

But he tried me again. He threw himself on my legs which caused me to fall down. He tried climbing on top of me but I kicked him in the face, forcing him back. I got back to my feet quickly while he was still on the ground.

I kicked him again in the stomach and pulled him up by his shirt.

"Don't fucking call random people faggots, pussy." I said, hitting him once more.

I let go of him and walked back to my car, finally getting to it. I always win.


"Joshua!" Tyler said as I walked inside.

"Shit, I didn't know you were gonna be here today." I jumped, looking over at him.

"What the fuck happened to your face?!" He asks, worriedly walking over to me.

"Nothing, don't fret." I say plainly.

I walk over to the bathroom and tear off a few sheets of toilet paper, placing it on my lip.

"You look like you just got beat up! How could I not fret about it?!"

"The other guy looks worse, I promise." I smiled, thinking about another win of mine.

"You got into a fight?" He asks.

He pushed me on the closed toilet seat and runs a rag under the water.

"Tyler, I'm fine." I protested, standing up.

"Joshua sit down." He said sternly.

Rolling my eyes, I sit back down and toss out the very bloody toilet paper. He bent over and got close to me. Pressing the wet cloth to my top lip, he sighs.

"You really got into a fight?" He asked in disbelief.

I nodded. "It's not the first time I've been in one."

He shook his head and went back to the sink. He runs the bloody rag under the water again, draining the blood. He stepped back and placed it right under my nose.

"How many fights have you been in?"

"I dunno. I stopped counting after the 60th." I shrugged.

"More than 60?!" He yelled.

"Jeez Tyler," I said pushing his hand away. "It's not that big of a deal."

He ignored me and put the cloth back on my face, somewhere around my eyebrow.

"More than 60 fights is insane, Joshua." He scolded.

I rolled my eyes and huffed. "Okay mom. I ran away to not hear that."

Fuck did I just say that?

"You ran away?" He asked, standing up.

"It's not important, please just drop it."

He nodded and left the bathroom. I sighed and stood up. I stopped in front of the mirror, and wow he knows how to get blood off of faces. Wonder where he learned that.

"You really ran away?" He asked again, poking his head in.

I giggle and nod. "I did, yes."

"How old were you? Why did you do it?"

I sighed and turned to face him. "I don't like talking about it, Tyler."

He frowned. "What if I tell you one thing I don't like telling people? So it'll be even?"

"I'm not gonna clean today, am I?"

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