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- Chapter Thirty-Seven -
"It's up to you! You gotta save the world!"

- Chapter Thirty-Seven -"It's up to you! You gotta save the world!"

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"I hope we find Vanya in time." Allison said into the silence that she, Diego, Klaus and Primrose were enveloped in whilst enduring the painfully quiet elevator ride. Primrose had tried to distance herself from Diego which was actually quite hard considering how small the elevator was but she settled on looking away from him as well even when he tried to hopelessly catch her attention.

It had been a whirlwind of things back at the Chestnut household. After Primrose had took herself away to lie on her bed whilst crying, Klaus had come storming through not even a minute later and hurled her over his shoulder whilst ignoring her yells as he went back down the stairs with her bent over his shoulder. He had walked her right out of the house, allowing her to see Ray's sad smile as they left since the two of them were at the back of the line made up of 3/7 of the Hargreeves siblings.

Klaus didn't put her down until they were bordering the centre of town and when he had, she had angrily hit his shoulder a couple of times before demanding an explanation as to why he had brought her out there, with Diego no less. Both Klaus and Allison looked to Diego for him to tell her what was going on, which he did as she stared him down with heavily intimidating eyes.

Apparently Vanya was the cause of the apocalypse. Again. Diego said that Lila had kidnapped him, Primrose scoffing but he continued on like she hadn't done anything, and taken him to The Commission that Five liked to talk about but he got to an odd control panel and found of what was going to happen; a building would blow up by Vanya's doing, Kennedy would survive and think it was the Russians so would attack them, Russia would attack back and then they would be engaged in a Nuclear War.

Primrose didn't even pretended to be surprised by the information, she just sighed and bumped past him roughly to continue the journey to the federal building at Dealey Plaza where he had said Vanya was going to blow up. They were on a time limit so she tried to be quick which she had been, her speed motivated by her attempts to escape Diego's talking. The federal building was easy to both locate and get into, the four of them slipped easily into the elevator and waited as Allison pressed the number they wanted to get up to; then they were moving up.

"I'm sure we will." Primrose mumbled to try and soothe Allison's worries but she was having the same problem, her concern for Vanya increasing with every second they were stuck in the elevator.

"We will." Diego said it more firmly, Primrose taking a moment to roll her eyes and ignore the feeling of someone's eyes on her. Allison scoffed at the same time she rolled her eyes and turned to face Diego slightly, making him snap his eyes away from Primrose and towards his sister.

"I don't even want to hear you talk." She told him, narrowing her eyes as Diego threw his hands up and looked at Klaus who pursed his lips and looked the other way whilst his brother looked in between the two women.

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