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- Chapter Twenty-Five -

- Chapter Twenty-Five -"Klaus!"

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"Prim, wake up!"

Primrose was in the middle of an actual peaceful slumber, one that she hadn't been able to have in weeks. She didn't know why her sleep was affected so much in the previous months but she knew it hadn't been easy to do so, her mornings often started at 5am and she tries to go to sleep early but it doesn't do anything except keep her tossing and turning under her covers. The bags under her eyes gave a lot away but she usually covered them with makeup before she left the house to go and converse with people.

It could be seen as a miracle that a good sleep came to her that night, after the events of the previous one and the excitement of maybe finding Klaus in the morning  she was sure that she would be up all night once again but as soon as her head snuggled into the pillow, she was out like a light. 5am didn't have the early rise of Primrose Armitage either, the coffee pot wasn't brewing and the soft humming of the woman didn't echo around the house.

Instead, Allison Chestnut was the first one to wake, she wrapped her dressing gown around her body and walked down the stairs ready to see Prim lounging on the couch with a cup of coffee in hand and a blanket around her shoulders. Yet when she entered the living room, Primrose was nowhere to be found. Just the research that the girls had done on 'The Prophet' as the person at the police station had called Klaus.

In their research, they found the history of the so-called Prophet and spent their evening laughing unbelievably at Klaus' success in creating an actual cult. After searching through known addresses here in Dallas and past places of meetings, they found a house somewhere in the city where they agreed to scope out the next day. That was when Primrose went to lie in bed and eventually fell asleep.

"What?" The strawberry-blonde mumbled sleepily into her pillow, snuggling her head further down and pulling up her bed covers up to her chin.

"It's 11 o'clock." Allison whispered from the side of the bed, already dressed in an orangey-yellow sort of fall themed dress. Circular white buttons travelled down where the dress joined and a thin brown leather belt was around her waist, Primrose really loved 60s fashion, it was so retro and colourful. If she were to go back to 2019 then she was sure that Raymond and the fashion were the only things she would miss.

Her eyes opened slowly, the corner of them crowded with sleep as the slow blur of her surroundings became clearer whilst she blinked slowly. A small groan slipped from her mouth as she stretched her arms out and rolled over slightly to see Allison perched on the edge of Prim's bed. She smiled lazily and brought her hands up to her eyes, rubbing at them to rid the sleep from the corner of her eyes.

"You haven't slept for this long in ages." Allison chuckled quietly, patting the bump in the sheets where Primrose's legs were.

"I know." Prim replied, still in a small raspy morning voice, as she went to sit up against the headboard. Her hair was tied back up into a ponytail that had shifted during the night so it was more just holding the ends of a couple strands together and her white t-shirt was hanging baggily off of her torso as she looked at Allison. "It felt good."

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