Chapter No.84. Acquisition.

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Chapter No.84. Acquisition.

Janet was at her credit union job. James and Sylvia were out in the back golfing, Amy was out in the back yard playing with Baby Jack and Sparky. Robert was in the house making changes to the recreation room. Nothing much had happened for over two weeks. He assumed that things had settled down to give them a break. What happened next changed his mind.

He heard the front doorbell ring. He looked up at the security screen and noted that a young man was at the front door. He wasn't sure if he was a salesman or just someone who got lost.

James opened the front door and looked over the young man. He had curly black hair and a handsomely chiseled face. "Hello."

"I think I belong here," the man said. "But I'm not sure why."

Suddenly, Amy appeared, and her face slowly evolved from a curious squint to a wide-eyed astonishment. "Oh my God! Vincent! I thought you were dead."

"I don't know what happened," he said, looking down and then up at her. "All I remember is coming under fire near Khandahar. I got hit and I don't remember anything after that."

Amy turned to Robert. "This is Vincent, my son. I was told that he died in Afghanistan."

Robert extended his hand. "Welcome, Vincent."

Vincent looked at him and knew that he was looking at a fellow marine. He shook Robert's hand, and it was immediately obvious to Robert that he was one of them.

Robert turned to Amy. "It appears that our little family is growing."

Amy was speechless.

"Come on in," Robert told Vincent.

Vincent sat down on a couch in the living room with Amy at his side. "I never thought I would see you again," she said, holding his hand and smiling at him.

"Janet never told me that you were married," Robert said.

Amy flashed a twisted grin. "That's because I wasn't."

Robert's eyes flashed larger before he smiled. "Oh."

James and Sylvia entered the room. Robert looked at them and then gestured to Vincent. "This is Vincent, Amy's son, and he's one of us."

"Welcome," James said. "This is Sylvia," he said holding his hand on her shoulder. "We're brother and sister by her adoption, but we had a child together."

"I wonder if there are any other people like us out there?" Sylvia said.

"Evidently, they would have to be related to one of us," James said.

"I had a sister, but she disappeared," Sylvia said. "We never did find out what happened to her."

"If she's out there, she'll eventually show up here," Robert said. "What's her name."

"Sally," Sylvia said. "She would be younger than I am . . . was."

Robert stood up. "Well, I had better get busy creating more bedrooms and baths."

James laughed. "The way things are going we'll have to make this into a hotel."

Robert chuckled.

Later on, when Janet returned home, Robert introduced her to Vincent. "This is Amy's son. He has powers like us."

Janet looked at him and then back at her husband. "What? He just showed up?"

"Yes. I believe that the Vestals resurrected him."

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