Chapter No.38. Criminal mind.

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Chapter No.38. Criminal mind.

Sunday afternoon, and the Steris family decided to take a walk in the park However they elected to take some less used trails through the woods.

The weather was perfect, a beautiful Spring day with blue skies and a refreshing breeze. As they hiked along a dirt path, James turned off suddenly.

"What's wrong?" his mother asked.

"There's a body over here," he replied while kneeling behind a bush.

His parents rushed over to him and looked at what he had discovered.

Robert knelt down near the corpse of a young woman dressed in skinny pants and a short-sleeved top with a Japanese Kanji symbol that meant Love. Her shoes were missing. "I don't think she's been here long. I would place it at a couple of weeks."

"Are we going to notify the police?" Janet asked.

"Yes, but I think we could identify the killer."


"We'll hide near here and reverse time."

"Are you suggesting that we prevent the murder?"

"No, but you can take a photo of the killer."

"Why don't we stop him from killing her?"

"It's too far along the timeline. Our job now is to see that he doesn't kill again."

"I have a good place to hide over here," James said. He was standing near a heavily bushed area.

Robert and Janet went over to the bushes, but Robert had a different idea. "Let's just remain invisible. It'll allow us to get a much better look at the murderer."

Janet squinted. "We can do that?"


"Cool!" James reacted.

They became invisible and then reversed time to the time of the incident. It was dusk on a Saturday evening two weeks ago. They watched as the girl and a tall, thin young man with dark hair approached. The girl didn't show any signs of realizing what was going to happen to her. She smiled as if nothing was wrong.

They stopped and kissed. Amazingly, the girl suddenly dropped to the ground. The man dragged her into the bushes, removed her shoes and then nonchalantly walked away.

"Did you get good photos of him?" Robert asked his wife.

"Yes," she said. "I wonder how he killed her so quickly."

"I suspect a nerve paralyzer, but we'll leave that to the experts." Robert returned time to the present. "Ring up Mark on your phone and tell them that we found a murder victim, but to not bring a CSI team here until they see it first."

The Steris family waited until Mark and Joe arrived. The two FBI agents looked the body over before reacting.

"How did you find this?" Mark asked.

"We were just on a walk through the woods here when our son found her. We reversed time and observed the murder. We have good photos of the murderer."

"Why didn't you save her?" Joe asked.

"If we had done that, the murderer would have gotten away with a crime he did not yet commit."

"You know what I think," Mark said. "I think this is the work of the Midnight Murderer."

Robert looked at him with confused eyes. "The Midnight Murderer?"

"Yeah, he's been committing these crimes for over five years. The reason for the name is that the crime is usually committed at night."

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