Chapter No. 25. Revelation

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Chapter No. 25. Revelation

The Steris family decided to attend church together. They arrived at St. Peter and Paul's for the ten o'clock mass. No one paid much attention to them, but on the way out after mass they ran into Fathers' Johns and Albert.

"We've had many people requesting another healing evening," Father Johns said, his face twisted with concern.

Robert offered him a subtle smile. "We would be happy to do that, Father, but we're now acting as a team."

Father paused for a moment before reacting. "What do you mean?"

"All three of us have powers. James discovered it and now we realize that we were born with these powers all along."

Father pointed. "You're the family in those photos posted by NASA."

Robert looked around to see if anyone was listening, but most of the congregation had departed. "Yes, but we would rather remain incognito."

"Yes, I understand. I'll schedule a healing session for Wednesday evening around seven."

"We'll be there," Robert replied.

After they left, Father Albert turned to his pastor. "Something is going on here that we don't fully understand. If they are the people in those NASA photos, they're truly powerful."

Father Johns knew he was right but was incapable of reconciling it with his religious beliefs.

On the way home, Janet glanced briefly at her husband. "I'm not sure why people don't realize who we are like Father Johns did."

"Maybe that's what God wanted," Robert said.

"If we were destined to be what we are, why did it take this long for us to realize it?"

Robert shrugged. "I don't know. Maybe it had to wait until we had suffered through difficult times before we would understand the significance of this situation."

"It seems to me that this was not about an Armageddon."

"I think you're right. It's all about the experiment."

They didn't say much the rest of the trip home. Nothing happened up to the Wednesday evening healing session. When the Steris family arrived at the church, they were greeted by Father Johns.

Robert looked over the people that Father had assembled before turning to him. "Janes will handle the children, Janet will do the women, and I will handle the men."

Father nodded his approval.

James went to work with the children. His first case was a ten-year-old boy with autism who just sat there staring at nothing in particular. James took the boy's face in his hands and his eyes grew larger. His parents were astounded when the boy began speaking for the first time in their memory.

Janet caressed an elderly woman who was dying from breast cancer. She smiled back at Janet when she was finally free of pain,

Robert held a hand on the forehead of a sixty-year-old male who had stage four prostate cancer. The man smiled when his pain subsided.

The three healers repeated these miraculous cures until there were no more cases.

Father offered a concluding prayer before the people departed, praising God for his mercy.

"There is an idea spreading around the evangelical movements that your presence was prophesized at Fatima," Father said.

Robert shook his head. "What we're doing has nothing to do with a prophesy."

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