Chapter No.78. Disruption.

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Chapter No.78. Disruption.

Robert and James were relaxing near the pool while the women were enjoying the pool.

Just then, Robert sensed that the land line phone was ringing. "I'll be right back," he said before he teleported to the kitchen to answer the phone.


"We have a very disturbing case that we can't seem to solve," Mark said. "I don't know if you can solve it or not."

"We'll just have to see. I'll be their shortly."

He hung up the phone and changed into casual clothes before he teleported to Mark and Joe's office in the FBI building downtown.

"So, what's the problem?"

"There have been numerous reports of people purchasing and consuming human flesh," Mark said. "A recent raid on a meat market in Marker's Point revealed a hundred pounds of various cuts of human meat. The owner was arrested but claims he has no idea where it came from."

Robert rubbed his jaw. "Hmm, that's interesting. Cannibalism is an ancient practice. I'm not sure why it would be flourishing in modern times."

"We think it's coming from the south, most probably from Florida, but so far we are unable to determine the source."

"You guys certainly come up with some real head bangers. However, if we look at this with an analytical eye, it would be reasonable to assume that there could be a connection between disappearances and this illicit meat operation."

Mark and Joe exchanged glances before Joe sat down and began a search through unsolved disappearances. After some time, he had a report. "There has been an unusual number of disappearances along Florida beaches. Some of them were attributed to shark attacks. Others, to just drownings, but no remains were found."

"Ah ha!" Robert said. "Maybe that's a key to what's happening."

"What do you mean?" Mark asked.

"Let's assume that these disappearances are related to the human meat trafficking. That could mean that a crime cartel is involved."

"That's going to be a difficult situation for us. We don't have the ability to investigate those sorts of disappearances. That's usually a local police problem."

"But, not for us," Robert said. "I'll get back to you."

He vanished.

"All I can say is that we're fortunate to have them at our service," Joe said.

"I agree. They seem so eager to help us."

"I think they're helping us because we helped them with their legal problem."

Joe smiled. "Yep."

Robert appeared at the pool where he found James watching a video on his phone. He looked up at his father. "What's happening?"

"The FBI has an unusual case for us to solve. It involves cannibalism."

James frowned. "Really?"

"Yes, and we're the only ones who could solve it."

The women walked over to them. "What's this about cannibalism?" Janet asked.

"The FBI arrested a proprietor of a meat market because he was selling human meat."

"Yuck!" Sylvia reacted.

"It appears that a human meat operation is connected to people disappearing on Florida beaches."

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