Chapter No.65. Pax Collection.

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Chapter No.65. Pax Collection.

Peace returned to the Freemont area. James and Sylvia were back in high school, Janet was back at her job in the credit union and Robert was home making improvements to their home. Surprisingly, the Steris family really weren't all that happy about being superheroes. They only wanted to be normal people living in a calm world.

Unfortunately, the world was anything but calm.

The Russians decided to change their government by ousting the President and making changes to their Duma. The United States President decided to cool it and not involve the superheroes in sensitive international problems. The rest of the world hungered for information about the superheroes as if they were a TV serial.

What the Steris family needed was a break from the need to save the world, but they also yearned for a chance to heal those who needed it the most. As it turned out, Father Johns had a solution for their psychological malaise, and he presented it to them after mass on a Fall Sunday.

The Hope Children's Hospital has an overflow of cases. They were wondering if you would agree to a healing session."

"We would be happy to do it," Robert said. "After what we've been through recently, it would be a blessing."

"They're setting up for a session on Friday evening at seven."

"We'll be there."

Father smiled. He was happy to see that the superheroes were happy.

James and Sylvia attended their Freemont High classes. They were together in several of them, including a class in which the subject of quantum physics was being discussed.

James held his hand up. "The Pauli exclusion principle states that two fermions with the same half spin cannot occupy the same quantum state. What would happen if this principle were violated?"

Mir. Stevens, the physics instructor, rubbed his chin. "Well, I'm not sure because it's not possible. I would think it would result in a quantum transformation, one that would allow two quantum states to coincide."

James nodded his approval. He turned to Sylvia and whispered. "That might explain how we can be in two or more places at the same time."

She just smiled at him.

Later, when they were together in the cafeteria, Sylvia had a response to his statement. "Yes, but it would suggest that we can break quantum physics laws."

"Maybe that's the way that superheroes can operate."

"You might be right, but we have no way to prove it."

"Speaking of being in two quantum states," James said with an ornery grin. "Let's go see what's happening in the woods behind our place."

She frowned. "We already know what's back there."

"It's possible that we don't," he said.

"Okay, let's do it," she said.

They appeared at the back of their house. Robert was sitting on the patio finishing his lunch of a burger and fries when he saw them.

"Why are you here?" he yelled.

They turned to walk back to him.

"We . . . or I should say, I had a thought about what we could do with the back area," James said.

"Not much we could do. There's a lot of trees back there."

"Yes, but there's an open area that stretches to the back of our property. It's overgrown with mostly weeds. I was thinking that we could convert it to a golf link, well, at least one hole."

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