Chapter No.76. Complexity.

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Chapter No.76. Complexity.

It was a normal Saturday, and the Steris family was at home doing their usual things. James and Sylvia were in their work room creating stunning diamonds. Baby Jack was teaching Sparky how to count. Janet was in the kitchen creating a cake, while Robert was trying to enhance the pool as per his wife's wishes. He was increasing its width and raising the body slide height, making it more exciting.

Robert sensed it first, an intruder who had wondered onto their property. He could see that it was a woman dressed in orange plastic pants and shirt, clothing that didn't fit her all that well, and she was barefooted.

He came around the pool chamber and approached her from behind. She turned and stared at him. "Are you lost?" He asked.

She continued to stare at him but didn't reply.

"You're Amy Collins," he said. "You look as if you just escaped from a prison."

Surprisingly, she didn't seem all that surprised. "Yes, I was in a confinement cell with no windows and just a single lamp."

"How did you escape?"

"I don't really know," she said, looking down before continuing to stare at him. "I just thought about being free and I was."

"Why did you come here?"

"I'm not sure. I just sensed it was right."

Janet appeared and she looked at the woman for several minutes before she approached and hugged her. Tears ran down the faces of both women.

Janet turned to Robert. "This is Amy, my sister."

Robert briefly smiled. "Yes, I realize that. Your maiden-name was Collins. Why was she in prison?"

"She was arrested for bank robbery. I haven't been able to contact her because they said she was too belligerent to be with the other prisoners or have any contact with family or visitors."

"I sense that she has our powers," Robert said.

Janet looked at her sister and then back at her husband. "I think we have a problem."

"I agree. Let's get her some normal clothing and feed her properly."

They escorted her to the kitchen.

"I think I'll clean her up before I dress her," Janet said before she ushered Amy to a bathroom.

Later, when the Steris family joined for dinner, Janet introduced the new addition. "This is Amy, my sister. She was in prison for bank robbery, but she escaped and came to us. More importantly she has our powers."

"That's going to cause several problems." James said.

"I think I might be able to resolve this," Robert said. "First of all, we can make up a death certificate for her and then give her a new identity as my sister."

"That's the easy part," James said. "The hard part is getting the justice system to go along with it."

Robert smiled. "I know two guys who can handle that, but that can wait until Monday." He turned to Amy. "We are a family of superheroes tasked with the mission of preventing the demise of the human species."

"Tasked by whom?" Amy asked.

"God, and it's the reason we can't use our powers for personal gain above what's necessary for our personal needs. We need your promise that you won't do anything that isn't consistent with our mission. It's the only means we have to coexist with the normal human population. We will train you to use your powers to help us do what we do."

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