Chapter No.49. Reality

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Chapter No.49. Reality

The Steris family enjoyed a week with no excitement. As was their custom, they were enjoying an evening together watching TV while James and Sylvia were playing video games.

The Vestal Virgins appeared, causing them to gather to listen to them, and that included Sparky, who was reclined on the floor.

"We will give you your final gift, perpetual life and mortal combat. Use them wisely."

With no further ado, they vanished,

"What the hell did that mean?" James said.

"I get the feeling that we're in this for the long hull," Janet said.

Robert sighed. "Yes, it appears that way. Open your surveillance app and see how it recorded their arrival."

Janet grabbed her phone and touched the app's icon to activate it. She noted that the app had sent a notification of an event, so she played it.

"It doesn't show them," she reported. She showed her husband the video.

"Interesting," Robert said after viewing it. "They don't show up, and yet it shows us looking at them."

"They have an invisibility cloak," James said. "Maybe we have that too."

"We know that they're visible to other people," Robert said. "Old Bob saw them, and the soldiers in Afghanistan did too."

"What do they mean by perpetual life?" Sylvia asked.

"Good question," Robert said. "It could mean that we won't age."

"That would violate the laws of physics," Sylvia said. "Especially when it comes to entropy."

"Evidently, we have been separated from the laws of physics. Consider the fact that we can fly around in space without space suits."

"Not to mention that we can instantly be anywhere we want," James said.

"All of this seems as if we're living in a dream," Janet said.

"A DC comic dream," James added with a grin.

His mother frowned. "You know what I mean!"

"Maybe that has something to do with the mortal combat gift," James said.

"Yeah, I get the impression that we may actually be doing physical combat with super beings," Robert said.

"We're not trained to do that!" Janet blurted.

"I suppose we'll have to learn," Robert said.

The land line phone rang, and Janet answered it. After a brief conversation, she hung it up. "Looks like it's back to reality. The FBI wants to talk to us."

"I'll go check it out," Robert said before he teleported to the FBI office of the two agents, Mark and Joe.

"What's the problem?"

"This case is driving everyone nuts. Some idiot or idiots are sending out envelopes with an extremely lethal nerve agent, one that is only known to the military."

"I thought that nerve agents violate International laws," Robert said.

"Nobody cares about the UN. It's just a token organization."

"Well," Robert reacted. "We have the advantage of not being susceptible to any chemical or biological weapon."

"That's why we summoned you. We've already lost two agents to this damn stuff."

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