Chapter No.53. Sweet Dreams!

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Chapter No.53. Sweet Dreams!

James and Sylvia decided to do something different. They went downtown to shop and enjoy the hustle and bustle of the city. While walking along a quiet street they stopped to see something that was totally unexpected.

"Oh my God!" Sylvia yelled. "Two people jumped off the top floor of the building!"

"Let's give them a slow landing," James said.

James and Sylvia slowed their descent for a gentle landing on the sidewalk. They were a young couple in their early twenties. They stared at James and Sylvia as if they had seen ghosts.

James smiled at them. "We're sorry to have spoiled your suicide. Why are you trying to depart this world?"

"How did you . . . who are you?" the young man blurted while his eyes were wide with surprise.

"Don't be concerned about us. Surely you don't want to die so young."

The young women began to cry.

"She's  terminal," the young man blurted.

James turned to Sylvia with a smile before turning back to them. "This is your lucky day." He gestured to Sylvia. "You may do the honors."

Sylvia placed her hand on the young woman's forehead and after a few moments she looked back to James. "She has a peritumoral edema in the right hemisphere and it's obviously a malignant tumor."

"Very good, doctor," James said. "What is your prognosis."

"It's terminal."

"That means it's time to heal her."

"It's going to take a few minutes to repair all of the damage."

"We're not going anywhere."

She aimed a mocking frown at him "Wise ass!"

He laughed.

The young man turned to James. "You're the superheroes,"

"Yes, but we don't like to advertise it."

"We were planning to get married, but then this happened. I didn't want her to suffer a painful death."

"I guess we just happened by at the right time," James said.

"I got it all," Sylvia said. "I also adjusted her pituitary gland so that it doesn't cause any further tumors."

The couple embraced in a sobbing celebration of salvation, and that's when James and Sylvia decided to exit stage left.

They materialized on a street a block away.

"That was interesting," Sylvia said.

"Yes. Again, we just happened to be in the right place at the right time."

They entered a park off the main avenue. After walking along a paved walkway, they decided to sit on a park bench to enjoy the nice weather.

"I feel good about what we did," Sylvia said.

"Yes, I do too," James said.

"I wish we could be married and have a family."

"I don't think that will happen," James said with a sigh.

A woman appeared. She was dressed in conventional clothing, not the dress that the Vestal Virgins wear. Both James and Sylvia realized that she was the head Vestal.

"You have done well," she said. "You are not able to reproduce." She smiled. "However, you may enjoy sexual pleasures as much as you wish."

"Doesn't that constitute a sin?" James asked, his expression advertising surprise with a slight dash of amusement.

She laughed. "You humans are a strange species! Sex is not a sin. It's only when it violates the sanctity of the marriage vow or is forced."

James and Sylvia exchanged glances before they turned back to the woman.

"Why are you telling us this?"

"Because you are devoted to one another and need release."

James couldn't think of a reply except a single word that he uttered without any evidence of a smile. "Thanks."

The woman smiled just before she vanished.

James turned to Sylvia. "That was strange."

"Indeed," she replied. "I never expected that. We seem to be learning as we go these days. The problem is that we really don't have a good place to get this . . . release."

"Oh, juste le contraire, ma chérie."

She looked at him with wide eyed wonder.

He smiled. "You're the one who took me to a deserted island."

She laughed. "Yeah, you're right! How forgetful of me."

They appeared on an island in the South Pacific, an island that had nothing but indigenous life. Sylvia imagined a yurt, a round hut made from bamboo slats. They entered the structure, and she created a bed replete with sheets and pillows.

"How's this?" she asked.

"Let's try it out and see," James said, grinning.

They made their clothing disappear and mounted the coitus bed.

It was the first time for them, but it didn't prevent them from enjoying a wild and very pleasurable experience as only superheroes could. Although, most people couldn't even imagine what superheroes could do for a sexual experience. It was more of a physical show of unbelievable athletic ability.

When they retuned home, they were aware that both Robert and Janet realized what they had done. It seems that the superheroes are always aware of what they each were doing, a power that was pivotal for keeping them safe.

"The head Vestal Virgin appeared in normal clothes and told us that we could enjoy ourselves," James said.

"Interesting," Robert said. "Maybe they're loosening up our restrictions as they become more confident in us."

"I wonder why she appeared dressed in normal clothing," Janet said.

"Maybe they didn't want to attract a crowd," Robert theorized. "We really don't understand them. I think they're caught up in this experiment like we are."

"I think we're entering a more complicated part of this experiment," Janet said. "It's becoming more difficult to know what's appropriate, like them having sex."

"The Vestal Virgin was clear about that," James said. "It's not a sin as long as it doesn't involve the marriage vow."

"In other words, only adultery is a sin, not casual sex," Robert said.


Janet sighed. "Well, I'm sure that the Catholic church would have a conniption over that idea."

"Obviously, we're not following church dogma," Robert said. "It would suggest that God is not a member of any organized religion."

"If that's the case, why do we even worry about religion?" James said.

"Actually, we don't have to worry about any organization," Robert said. "We are operating on the orders laid down by whoever it was that I saw while in a coma. It could have been Mohamed for all we know. We only pay lip service to the government and the church so that we are able to remain hidden from the media by maintaining a normal life."

"Maybe that was God's plan all along," Janet said.

They agreed it made sense, but they weren't sure what the ramifications were.

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