Chapter No.59. Change.

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Chapter No.59. Change.

Sylvia returned and her sudden appearance alerted the Steris family. James was especially concerned when he saw that she was upset about something.

"My mother died," she blurted with tears glistening in her eyes. "I tried to revive her, but it didn't work."

"Oh my!" Janet said. "We're so sorry!"

"Let's go see what we could do," Robert said.

They appeared in Sylvia's mother's bedroom and realized that her mother had deceased. Robert tried to revive her, but his effort failed.

"I'm not sure why I can't resurrect her. I don't think she died all that long ago."

"Maybe this has something to do with us reversing time," Janet suggested.

"That could be."

"What am I going to do now?" Sylvia cried.

Janet went to her and put her arm around her. "We're here to help you. I think the first thing to do is call the police and inform them that she has died."

"What am I going to tell them if they ask how she died?" Sylvia asked.

"Just tell them that you don't know. Tell them that she was perfectly okay when she went to bed."

"We'll leave now," Robert said. "After they take her away, you can come to our place."

Sylvia nodded, but her eyes were still filled with tears.

The Steris family didn't get any sleep that night. Sylvia appeared and plopped down in a chair to cry.

"I think this might be God's way of telling us that we need a new venue," Robert said. "I think that Sylvia's mother was supposed to die so that her daughter could become part of our family."

"What do you mean?" Janet asked. "Are you suggesting that we move to another country?"

"No, nothing like that. I think we should move to a house that's more . . . shall we say more private."

"You mean something out away from the city with more land."

"Yes, maybe something that needs some loving care. We should be able to get a good amount for this house now that I did some renovations." He turned to Sylvia. "Did your mother have a will?

"I don't know. She might have,"

"Before we do anything, we need to see that her mother gets a proper send off," Janet said.

"Yes, I agree. Does she have any family still alive?"

"I don't think she did," Sylvia said. "My father died six years ago, and she didn't have any siblings."

"Okay, maybe the house will fall into your hands, but you're not of age to do anything about it."

"Perhaps there's a way to take care of that problem," Robert said. "We could legally adopt her and assume her mother's assets."

"I know a good attorney that might be able to handle that," Janet said. "He a member of the credit union."

"Good. Let's do this one step at a time."

"If you adopt her, would that make her my sister?" James asked.

"I don't know what the law says about that," Robert said. "But it doesn't matter. We're effectively above the law."

James didn't know how to take that. Did it mean that they were going rogue?

The next day, arrangements were made for Sylvia's mother's funeral. Two days later, Father Johns handled the mass and the burial. However, he was confused about what had happened.

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