Chapter No.47. Up, up and away.

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Chapter No.47. Up, up and away.

Sylvia looked at her mother sitting in a chair just staring at nothing as if in a trance. She knew that it was a definite sign that her mother was suffering dementia. She went over to her mother and placed a hand on her mother's forehead.

Her mother looked up at her daughter. "I'm sorry," her mother said. "I must have dosed off."

Sylvia smiled. "I cleared your dementia. You're free of it now."

Julia stared at her daughter for a moment before sighing. "I realize that I'm sick, but I didn't know what to do about it."

"Mother! You're no longer sick. I cured you."

"How could you cure me?" She asked, her expression hinting of confusion.

"I have superpowers now. They were awoken in me when James Steris cured me."

"I don't understand how that's possible."

"It's because God is conducting an experiment to determine if humans could possess superpowers without using them to become rulers over all mankind. He gave these powers to the Steris family. They're the superhero family that's doing all those amazing things you see on the news. It seems that I was also given these powers, and I've joined with them."

"Well, I suppose I shouldn't complain now that you've . . . helped me."

"Maybe it would help if they talked to you."

Julia fretted and fussed with her wild grey hair. "I'm not very presentable for that."

Sylvia went over to her and placed her hand on the top of her mother's head. "Now, you look fine, Mother."

Julia stood up and looked at herself in a mirror. "Yes, I do look better now."

"Good!" Sylvia said. "I'll have the Steris family come here now."

Robert, Janet and James appeared, startling Julia.

"Hello, Mrs. Wells," Robert said. "We didn't mean to frighten you, but we have the ability to instantly be anywhere we wish. Your daughter has that ability too."

"How is that possible?" Julia asked.

"We're not sure. I became aware of these powers while I was in a coma for ten years. I met a man who I assume was from God and he told me that I would have the ability to stop an evil demon from destroying mankind. It seems that my family were given these powers and the same applies to your daughter."

"Why would this person include my daughter?"

"We don't know. All we do know is that God is in charge of this and evidently He wanted your daughter to be involved."

Julia smiled. "I suppose I shouldn't complain. She cured me of my . . . my dementia."

"Yes," Robert said. "We included her in one of our healing evening sessions at St. Peter and Paul's. She now realizes she's able to cure people. Eventually, she'll learn how to resurrect people."

Julia's eyes widened briefly. "You can resurrect people?"

"Yeah, as long as they haven't been dead too long."

She batted her eyes. "Goodness, now I realize what Nancy Felds was trying to tell me about someone resurrecting a woman who had been killed by a car in the church parking lot."

"That was me," Robert said.

"I'm concerned about what might happen to my daughter. Some of those things you people do are dangerous."

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