Chapter 1 - School Run

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"Beep Beep Beep"

I groan as I hit my alarm clock and roll over to my side. I crack my eyelids slightly and read 7:10 a.m on my alarm clock. Too early, I turn back on my other side and close my eyes. Wait...7:10?! I crack my eyes open and sit up too fast. Fuck I'm going to be late! I hop out of bed and grab my blue hoodie and some jeans.

After I get my clothes I go into the bathroom getting ready for school and take a cold shower to wake me up.


I get out of of the shower, dry off and put on my clothes.


I quickly comb my hair and brush my teeth. I put on deodorant and a dab of blueberry & fresh cream cologne. I get out of bathroom grab my dark blue messenger bag and put it on my shoulder. I don't bother to make up my bed because I'm already late and screw that.

I close my door and make my way downstairs to see my mom drinking coffee watching Netflix since it's her off day.

"Hey mom can I get a ride?" She chuckles and shakes her head no

"Nope you know the deal, I don't do anything on off day and Rony already took the car, sorry kiddo." I sign

"So that means...?"

"Yep better get running."

"Ugh." I open the front door getting ready to run a couple of blocks.

"Good luck kiddo, I love you."

"I love you too."

I start jogging down the street heading towards the school building, I check my phone and see a text from Preston.

"Dude where the fudge are you?!"

I stop to catch my breathe and text back.

"I'll explain later, on the way now."

I look at the time reading 7:37 a.m, seventeen minutes late frick, I start back jogging towards the school.

******10 minute Time Skip*******

I stop jogging when I reach the school doors. I check my phone to read 7:47 a.m great only around thirty minutes late.

I go to the office to check in as late and speed walk my way to my locker, I put my pencils and books in my bag and start speed walking towards my English class. Frick we had a test today! This Is going to be embarrassing, I already know.

I stop to take a breathe because I'm still huffing and puffing. Wow I need to get in shape. I open up the door to find the teacher in the middle of a lecture about the test. Teenagers look up at me bewildered because I'm never late.

"Well hello, Mr.Latsky How nice of you to join us, take a seat."

I quickly sit down in the back next to Preston and Nooch. Preston starts talking to me and Nooch is asleep I don't think he noticed me coming in.

"So why were you late?" Preston looks at me with amused eyes.

"I woke up late because I was playing Minecraft with Matt last night." I jerk my thumb over at Matt.

"This was me at three in the morning."

"Rob a dob flob this is why you can't get a job."

"Fudge off Plebston." I poke Preston's cheek


The bell goes of for second period. Preston starts packing up his stuff and I pack up mine. I Shake Matt and wake him up.

"Nghnhn" Matt rubs his eyes and ruffs up his hair.

"Come on Matt, we have to meet up with The rest of the pack" I chuckle as he packs up his stuff.

We all go out of the classroom, then make our way to our next class to meet up with the rest of The Pack.

A/N: Poofless is my OTP, and this is my first Fan fiction so hopefully you guys like it. Thanks for reading leave a vote and a comment. Also I apologize if there are any grammar issues.

(P.S In the picture Rob is dressed like this for school)


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