Chapter One

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Running through the park with your headphones on and Maple, your dog running next to you, you began to try to shut out the world. Getting up early to go on this particular run so you didn't have to see anyone was part of your new start.

It was your third day back in town and people were delighted to see you but would give you the look of 'sorry you caught your boyfriend of eight years cheating on you', was slowly beginning to wear you down. Somehow you had managed to drag yourself out of bed this morning, made yourself a quick smoothie, dumped it in your running bottle, grabbed your headphones and Maples lead and got out of the door before six o'clock.

Given the current situation you were surprised you even managed to drag yourself from beneath the covers. Maple was always by your side at the moment. It was one thing you knew you would be taking when you found Nathan in bed with the girl from the apartment below. Really you should have realised what was going on. He kept popping in to fix this and that, she started to avoid eye contact with you in the hall and then it happened. You caught them in bed together after leaving the gym earlier than expected and heading straight home rather than taking your usual jaunt through the park.

Nathan and you were college sweethearts. You met your first year of NYU. Both English majors but were dabbling in music. Something that you never thought would happen. You were never looking for a relationship. It fell into your lap, quite literally, he tripped and fell onto your lap moving past you for a seat in the lecture hall. It was laughable really, something you imagine happening in a cheesey film or TV show. Perhaps he had done it on purpose to start a conversation with you.

Nathan was gorgeous though, tall, muscular and had dark hair and light eyes. You knew that he never had problems talking to women but that day he seemed so shy and apologetic. His kind eyes begged you to forgive him. No harm had been done except for the embarrassment.

"Honestly I am so sorry, I must have tripped on something." He said in his kindest voice. Glancing around comically at the floor to find the culprit.

"It's fine no harm done. Are you alright?" You asked concerned that he had hurt himself somehow.

He took the seat next to you instead of moving further down the row and held out his hand for introductions. The rest you could say is history. Nathan and you continued on your relationship in harmonious bliss. Moving in together to a small but cosy apartment straight out of university. Everyone said you were crazy. That you barely knew each other but it felt right. It felt like the natural next step.

Nathan found himself a job in a gym and you managed to get a job after your internship at a publishing house. Something you had been working towards since you were in middle school. Books were your passion. Your escape. Something you could get your teeth into.

Everything had been going so well. You would go about your routines. Cooking together in the evenings, heading out on the weekends to the latest bar or club. Meeting friends for drinks on roof top terraces. Living the life. You knew that the next step for the both of you would be engagement. Careers were heading in the right direction, social life was thriving and you lived a happy and relatively normal life. Little did you know Nathan was having his cake and eating it to.

Stopping to lean against a bench to get your breath back you looked down a Maple who was panting and wagging her tail at you. She was still a puppy. Nathan and you were out for breakfast one morning, just finished your pancakes and walked past a pet shop. She was the last puppy left in the window and she looked so unhappy. Her ears drooping to the side and curled into the corner. You both took one look at her then each other and new you would be her forever family.

That was six months ago and now she was back in Boston with you as her forever family. Nathan didn't even fight for her when you packed up her things with yours. Somehow it made the betrayal worse. He certainly wasn't going to fight for you if he couldn't fight for your dog.

Sighing slightly and throwing your head back to blink away the tears from the random reminiscing, you turn and carry on the run. Shaking the thought of Nathan from your head you start to mentally plan your day. Luckily you had been transferred to the Boston office through your firm. You started on Monday but had to swing by the office for new badges and security passes. The firm in New York were sad to see you go but it was the right thing for you. Although New York was a huge city, the only friends you had made were friends with both you and Nathan. So you weren't sure if you wanted to know who they would choose between the both of you.

At some point you would also have to go grocery shopping. You wouldn't survive the remainder of the week on two bananas and half a box of granola. New start meant keeping yourself healthy. Another thing you would do, sign yourself up to the local gym. You would need to keep yourself occupied, also in better shape, stopping again to lean on another bench you clench your side where a stitch has started to form.

Inhaling and exhaling deeply you close your eyes for a second to will the pain to go away quicker. Before you can look up and start moving back towards your apartment Maple has seen another dog coming towards you and pulled with all her strength. Losing your footing she pulls you over straight onto your front. Letting go of the lead to brace yourself with you hands you let out a painful cry along with a few curse words for good measure.

"Holy shitting christ!!!! MAPLE!" You shout to your puppy who has run towards the other dog and is now chasing it around in circles without a care in the world.

The owner of the dog who caused you an enormous amount of pain is now rushing towards you with both dog leads in hand and is scooping you up from the floor.

"Jesus are you ok?" The deep unknown voice said while pulling you up from the dirt.

Brushing the dust from your workout leggings and off your arms you don't even look up to the knight in shining armour. You have a few cuts on your arms and elbows and you can feel your lip starting to fatten after biting it in the tumble. Holding back the tears of pain and embarrassment you look up into the beautiful blue eyes of the most attractive man you think you have ever seen.

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