The Wheel of Time

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It's been a few days since our battle. My wound been healing slowly but at least it's healing. I need help walking around so Inuyasha and Kagome help me. I wrapping a new bandage on my wound when lord Sesshomaru walked in with his mother.

"Rin you remember my mother" he said gesturing to her as she walked towards me. I nodded as I tied the knot on the bandage and straightening my kimono.

"My son has told me of recent events how is your wound doing" she asked pointing towards my stomach.

"I'm getting better slowly" I said attempting to stand but failing miserably. Sesshomaru helped me stand and walk outside where Inuyasha was waiting.

"Take care of her" Lord Sesshomaru said placing me Inuyasha back.

"Lord Sesshomaru... is everything okay" i asked but before he could answer Inuyasha took off towards the river where the girls and Kagome were catching fish. He landed near Kagome and gently placed me down on my feet helping me walk.

"Mom" towa shouted in delight and ran towards me taking my other hand leading me a little faster. I sat next to Kirara and Kagome as Inuyasha joined the girls in the river.

"How you feeling Rin any better" Kagome asked. I nodded still worrying about what lord Sesshomaru and his mother was talking about. Come to think of it they might be discussing about the loud sound I heard at the battle cause it wasn't thunder. After about 20 minutes lord Sesshomaru and his mother landed behind us. They made their way towards us as the girls and Inuyasha got out the water.

"We have new information on what Kirnamaru is truly after. There is a giant windmill that I can see clearly from my home above the clouds that is controlled by the demon arku pin" she explained

"What does that have to do with Sesshomaru" Inuyasha asked shaking the water off his hair getting Sesshomaru mother wet in the process which irritated her.

"He believes that the Windmill is destined to move soon rather than later and he wanted Sesshomaru to find arku and get his pin to hold the windmill from moving any further" she explained wiping the water off her kimono.

"Is that why he agreed to use the dream butterfly on me to get Sesshomaru to find the pin" I asked reaching for Sesshomaru hand to stand. He let my grab his wrist pulling myself up to my feet grunting in pain as I felt my wound burn.

"Owww ow ow okay" I said holding my stomach. Lord Sesshomaru grabbed my other arm pulling me against him. I moved my hand to see my blood soaking my kimono.

"Your stitches must've ripped a little" Kagome said walking towards me. She grabbed my hand leading me away.

Sesshomaru POV
I watched Kagome lead Rin away and I heard my mother sigh in annoyance. I looked her and saw she was looking at Rin annoyed.

"You do realize that human is just gonna cause you trouble especially with her powers developing" she said crossing her arms. I growled at her and walked away towards Inuyasha who was bringing a needle towards Rin to restitch her wound.

"So when are you gonna tell her that her powers are connected to the windmill" he asked as we walked. I gave him a side glance. I didn't need to hear that from him right now.

"I will.... Eventually just not now" I responded making my way towards Rin who was fixing the stitch. I sat down next to her and pulled we close to me. He kissed her forehead as she wrapped her arms around my stomach. Inuyasha words rang in my head. I hate to admit it but he is right she needs to know that every time the wheel moved her powers grew.

"Rin I need to tell you something" I said as she looked at me.

"Your powers and the Windmill are connected. Every time the windmill moves your powers as a past readers grows. We believe that if the windmill continues to move your powers will take its place. Kirnamaru is trying to stop that from happening not because he cares about you if you replace the windmill then you will be trapped in the time space and this world will fall into a dark empty nothingness" I explained as tears formed in her eyes.

"This is the main reason why Kirnamaru was so fascinated with past readers and founding out that you were one. He got rid of the ones that remained in his realm 500 years ago and the rest that escaped are in hiding still" I explained as I wiped her tears away.

"Is he going to kill me" she asked scared.

"I will NEVER let him hurt you do you hear me" I said putting my finger under her chin making her look at me. She nodded placing her lips on mine must to the disgust of my mother who made her way to us.

"Now that you know the truth we must prepare. If worse comes to past Kirnamaru will try to end the girls life so even if he can't find the pin taking the girls life will insure the windmill won't move again until another past reader has reached her level. We must find arku and keep Kirnamaru from the human girl" she said. All three girls made there way to us and setsuna helped me stand up. Kagome tighten the stitches so they won't come out. When we got back to the village Rin looked tired and was falling asleep on Inuyasha back.

"I'll take Rin back to our hut to rest" I said taking her from him. I flew with her in my arms as she shivered and gripped my fur for warmth. I felt my mother's presence behind me but I ignored her. When we reached our hut I placed Rins sleeping form on her futon and covered her with one of her kimono's.

"I hope you realize the risk you taking" my mother said.

"Having a human women for a wife already put a target on not just your back but hers too not to mention those twins. Son the girls powers will grow and eventually she will be drawn to the wheel of time  so you have a choice to make.... Will you find the pin for Kirnamaru or let your wife become warped in time" she said as she walked out.

"I already know my choice" I said to myself as I stroked rins cheek.

Sesshomaru and Rin ( Yashahime)Where stories live. Discover now